DevilutionX additional arguments configuration guide - diasurgical/devilutionX GitHub Wiki

Welcome to DevilutionX guide on how to run the game with additional arguments!

This guide will list and explain the available additional arguments when running DevilutionX. This will permit additional configurability when running the game.

How to use arguments(#HowToUse)

Help and version(#Help)

Config path and files(#ConfigDir)

Game options(#Game)

[Game selection

Hellfire specific options(#Hellfire)



To apply these settings when starting the game under windows you have few options.

CMD / BAT file

Create text file in you devilutionX folder Open it and enter the name of the DevilutionX executable followed by argument and parameter. [example: devilutionx --data-dir d:\games\diablo] Save the file and rename its extension to .cmd Use it to start the game. Optionally you can create a shortcut to that file .

Shortcut file

When in DevilutionX left click on the executable and select create shortcut Left click on the shotcut and select properties. Under shortcut tab, target field, after the path and executable add the desired arguments and paths. [example: d:\games\diablo\devilution.exe -n -f --diablo] Use the shortcut to start the game.


In a similar way you can integrate command line args in a bash file.





mkdir -p "$savedir"

mkdir -p "$configdir"

$DXPath/devilutionx --data-dir "$DXPath" --save-dir "$savedir" --config-dir "$configdir"

The following paragraphs will explain the arguments and their effects:


-h, --help

The game will run and show a text help screen that briefly explains the arguments and then will terminate.


The game will run and show a text help screen that gives the game version and then will terminate.



The game will run searching for the data files (diabdat.mpq, hellfire.mpq, etc.) in the specified folder path. This argument is used for both Diablo and Hellfire. This means that if you wish to play Hellfire, its .mpq files must be located in the same path as diabdat.mpq.


The game will run and use the specified path after the argument as a save folder. Might need to be run with administrator permissions to be able to save in the desired path.


The game will run looking in the specified folder for the diablo.ini configuration file. If the file doesn’t exist one will be created. Might need administrator permissions to write in the desired folder.



The game will skip all intro videos


The game will run with fps counter in upper-left corner.


The game will run in windowed mode.


Enable verbose logging

--record <#>

Record a demo file

--demo <#>

Play a demo file


Disable all frame limiting during demo playback

[Game selection]


The game will be forced to run in Diablo:spawn mode even if diabdat.mpq exist. This allow you to explore only the cathedral level with the warrior. It features all the limitations of the original diablo spawn.


The game will run in Diablo mode even if Hellfire data files are present along diabdat.mpq in either current or specified data-dir.


The game will run in Hellfire mode.



The game will use an alternative palette for the Hellfire’s nest tileset. This option is similar to the command.txt from the original expansion.