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Use Case 12 is dedicated to information related to the protection in real time of workers who carry out conservation actions on the roads. This service include the information provided by Connected Cones

Receipt and publication of data related to the real-time positioning of:

  • Maintenance workers

  • Construction and maintenance vehicles found on the tracks

This information can be sent to the DGT 3.0 platform either by IoT devices or by Apps that can be used to position these elements on the road.

The platform has the functionality for the publication (sending) of information through a REST API.

The publication functionality requires access certificates that must be requested and supplied by DGT 3.0. If these certificates have not already been requested, they should be requested from [email protected].

Below is the URL with which the functionality is accessed:

Mode URL Description
Publication https://pre.cmobility30.es/use-case-12 Client integration environment endpoint for publishing

The functionality is described below.


This use case has a REST API for the publication (sending) of the data by the companies that request it. Details of this can be found in the following sections:

  • General details for making a request:

General · (cmobility30.es)

  • The details of the master tables and data that can compose the event:

Master Tables

  • The structure of the event can be seen here:



As stated above, all HTTP responses other than 200 – OK, can be considered invalid. The format of the error response is like the following example:

    "status": 401,
    "code": 1,
    "message": "User not found or valid"

These errors will have three main categories:

Authentication Error

  • HTTP Status: 401 - Unauthorized

    Code Message
    1 User not found or valid

Client Error

  • HTTP Status: 400 - Bad Request

    Code Message
    0 Authenticate
    2 Entity ID not found
    3 Missing required property
    4 The entity received cannot be proccessed
    5 Incorrect token received
    6 Expired token received
    7 There is an error with the token provided. Please request a new one
    8 No token received
    9 Required request body is missing
    10 Event is marked as expired by timestamp
    11 Missing request header
    12 Permission denied. Role assigned to user missing
    13 There is an error in one or more elements of the list
    14 Cone use type must be Infraestructure
    15 Cone vehicle type must be None
    16 Cone beacon type must be Unique

In the case of getting an error 3 - Missing required property, the response obtained will have a value in the message that will indicate the missing fields to send:

    "status": 400,
    "code": 3,
    "message": "[deviceTypeId: must not be null, deviceUseTypeId: must not be null, informationQualityId: must not be null]"

Server Error

  • HTTP Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

    Code Message
    17 Internal error
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