Materials - dfki-ric/phobos GitHub Wiki

You can assign Materials to Visuals by simply defining their Material as you would do in any other Blender project as well:

  1. Go to Material tab in the properties panel.

  2. Activate Use Nodes

  3. Select Specular BSDF or Principled BSDF

    As there are thaaat many different shaders we couldn't support all of them. Therefore, we recommend using Specular BSDF for optimal support. Principled BSDF works as well.

  4. Start designing

    When you have a textured Material make sure to use the Shader Node Editor. There you have to add an Image texture Node that sends its output to the Base Color input of your BSDF node. If you have a normal texture, proceed as described in 2. but use the Normal Map input, of course.

The export of your robot model supports the following properties. The result may of course vary depending on the supported properties by your exported format (URDF, SDF, SMURF etc.) and the program you are loading it to.

  • diffuse color
  • specular color
  • emissive color
  • shininess/roughness
  • transparency
  • diffuse texture
  • normal texture