First Steps - dfki-ric/phobos GitHub Wiki

Configuring Phobos

When you have installed Phobos and activated it, you should configure it to best serve your needs. For this, open the Preferences once again (Edit->Preferences), switch to the Add-Ons section and navigate to Phobos (you might need to search for it), then expand its preferences menu.

You can not use '~' in Phobos paths, instead use the Blender button to find the path you need.

Phobos Preferences The User Preferences of Phobos handle the most important file paths and logging settings.


Phobos can be configured to work with a model folder to provide a default directory where to put new models.

User information

Phobos might set specific parameters (such as author name & email in Gazebo models) based on the information you provide here. If you leave it blank, a dummy name/email will be added instead.

In the future we might build upon the existing GIT integration and include things like git ID to use here. For now, the settings are not required to fill in.

Log Settings

Phobos comes with comprehensive logging functionality notifying you of what is currently being processed, warning about possible problems and pointing out errors in the model. You should thus make it a habit of paying attention to the logging output. The logging output is visible in the terminal or system console. To open the system console under windows go to Window->Toggle System Console.

Toggle system console

Log File Path

You can specify a log file to which Phobos will write its logs. This will be only useful if you check the respective box.

WARNING: The log file gets never deleted by Phobos and can get quite bloated over time, so if use a log file you should check its size from time to time and clear it as needed.

Terminal Output

Phobos can also write to terminal. In order to see this output you have to start Blender from terminal. For system-installed Blender this should usually work via the blender command. For Windows users the terminal can be run from within Blender (in the Help dropdown of the top info bar).

Log Level

You can choose the level of log messages you want to view, ranging from ERROR to DEBUG. If you choose WARNING, for instance, Phobos will only write out log messages of level WARNING and above, meaning that INFO and DEBUG will be suppressed. So if you are having a lot of problems with a model, you may want to set this to DEBUG to see all the information that might be useful.

We recommend you keep your log level at ERROR, as this will give you all the required information about your model and the operations you are using.

OBJ export frame

Most simulators stick to the loose Z-Up Y-Forward convention. However, some simulators may use other conventions when handling OBJs. In case you are developing for such a simulator you can adapt those settings here. Please see also the Meshes section under File Formats regarding this topic.