WindowSize Class ‐ Adaptability to different screen sizes - devrath/ComposeAlchemy GitHub Wiki
- Various screen displays in Android are becoming more and more important.
- In the earlier days handling the vast variety of devices with different sizes in Android was very challenging.
- Now in Android, the area is expanded to more things such as
and any device imaginable - Also the device must adapt and be responsive to things like
, and other form factors.
The window size class categorizes the types as
are calculated separately. - At any given time there are two types of device sizes, We refer to them as
- At any given time we have the ability of vertical-scrolling.
- The availability of width is more prominent than the height.
- So, the available width is more important than the height.
The variable needs to be passed in composable so that it can be used throughout the application.
setContent {
MyTheme {
val windowSize = calculateWindowSizeClass(this)
// Passthis window-size to your composables
Define the dimensions
open class RunTracerDimens {
open val margin: Dp = SpacingScale.dp0
object SpacingScale {
val dp0 = 0.dp
val dp1 = 1.dp
val dp2 = 2.dp
// ---> More as needed
class RunTracerDimensMedium : RunTracerDimens() {
override val margin: Dp = SpacingScale.dp1
class RunTracerDimensExpanded : RunTracerDimens() {
override val margin: Dp = SpacingScale.dp2
Define the screen-wise dimensions for adapting screens
open class IntroScreenDimen {
open val logoBrandNameSpacing: Dp = RunTracerDimens.SpacingScale.dp12
class IntroScreenDimenMedium : IntroScreenDimen() {
override val logoBrandNameSpacing: Dp = RunTracerDimens.SpacingScale.dp14
class IntroScreenDimenExpanded : IntroScreenDimen() {
override val logoBrandNameSpacing: Dp = RunTracerDimens.SpacingScale.dp16
Define a class that creates object of the above classes
class CustomDimens(
val app: RunTracerDimens,
val introScreenDimen: IntroScreenDimen,
) {
companion object {
internal fun createLiskovDimenCompact(): CustomDimens {
return CustomDimens(
app = RunTracerDimens(),
introScreenDimen = IntroScreenDimen()
private fun createLiskovDimenMedium(): CustomDimens {
return CustomDimens(
app = RunTracerDimensMedium(),
introScreenDimen = IntroScreenDimenMedium()
private fun createLiskovDimenExpanded(): CustomDimens {
return CustomDimens(
app = RunTracerDimensExpanded(),
introScreenDimen = IntroScreenDimenMedium()
fun createCustomDimenByWindowSize(windowClassSize: WindowSizeClass?): CustomDimens {
return when (windowClassSize?.widthSizeClass) {
WindowWidthSizeClass.Compact -> createLiskovDimenCompact()
WindowWidthSizeClass.Medium -> createLiskovDimenMedium()
WindowWidthSizeClass.Expanded -> createLiskovDimenExpanded()
else -> createLiskovDimenCompact()
internal val LocalCustomDimens =
staticCompositionLocalOf { CustomDimens.createLiskovDimenCompact() }
Define the CustomDimens in your theme class as object to access it throughout the project
fun RunTracerTheme(
// Flag to determine the dark/light theme
isDarkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
// Window Size class to determine the screen size
windowClassSize: WindowSizeClass? = loadLocalWindowSizeClass(),
// Dynamic color is available on Android 12+
dynamicColor: Boolean = true,
// Parent most top level composable
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
object RunTracerTheme {
val dimen: CustomDimens
get() = LocalCustomDimens.current
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(RunTracerTheme.dimen.introScreenDimen.logoBrandNameSpacing))