4 helpers - devlinjunker/template.hapi.rest GitHub Wiki
Helpers are classes that modularize some functionality that is useful in the server.
Helper class for connecting with mariadb server and saving/retrieving rows from tables - query - insert - fetch - fetchOne
Helper class for reading properties from config file
- provides a typed interface of these properties
Helper for building the healthcheck response that is displayed at <CONFIG.PATHS.healthceck>
- Determines version/branch and if the server is running properly
- Makes simple requests to configured dependency DB/External Services to see if they are available
- IDEA: Should healthcheck read log file for past minute to see if any errors?
- Do we want/need to worry about Dependency Injection/Singletons?
- RDBMS vs Document store
- CAP theorem stands for C – Consistency, A — Availability, P — Partitioning (or Scalability) and states that having all three properties at the same time is not possible,
- https://medium.com/statuscode/three-reasons-to-use-a-nosql-document-store-for-your-next-web-application-6b9eabffc8d8
- Document Store:
- use for settings data and where schema will be changed often
- when changes are small crud, based on users interactions?
- when count and aggregate data is useful to end user
- less duplicated data, normalized and stored in specific tables
- useful when data changes often
- seems like more useful for storing fact data in ETL processes?
- Q: phoenix?