0 setup - devlinjunker/template.hapi.rest GitHub Wiki


Requires Node 10+. Please install this before attempting to run. The easiest way to install and manage node versions is by using the Node Version Manager. We define a .nvm file in the project to help reference this minimum node version.

Use nvm use 10 to switch node versions after installing a new Node version. Then you should install all project dependencies(github) with npm install (or npm install -D if development work is planned). This should install the Hapi Server Framework, MariaDB and other libraries used in this project.

If you have cloned the master branch, then the build should compile and all tests should pass once the dependencies have been downloaded and installed. To only compile the server, use npm run build, or you can just run the tests with npm run test. To watch the files for changes and rebuild/retest the files on changes, you can use npm run start-watch. See the package.json(github) for all possibe npm commands.

The Note Controller/Dataservice Endpoints require MariaDB installed to store the notes passed. After you have installed mariadb, you will need to set up the initial database using mariadb and a SQL program (or scripts if we get working). Once the db is set up, the configuration for the database name, user, password and port are set in conf/config.yaml (github).

Each endpoint that is created should have an OpenAPI representation in openapi.yaml. This file can be used to run Swagger UI to help with running/testing the processes developed. There is a Swagger application at the API link in the docs or can view the raw file(github) (Eventually we will autogenerate OpenAPI file from code annotations and create Postman test suites based on these files)


Webpack config file(github) is used to manage our webpack build to compile the application.

In this file we:

  • designate the files that will be created with the build
  • define the source mapping that will be generated with the output (this should be changed in prod)
  • set the target environment and available globals
  • define where we should look to import files
  • and set up modules/plugins for the build
    • Babel and ESLint Loaders
    • Flow Integration with Webpack
    • Hot Module Replacement for rebuilding on file changes
    • Webpack Shell Plugin to re-run Mocha tests on file changes/rebuild


The docs/ directory is created with npm run doc, this generates an esdoc webpage based on the modified template stored in docs/template from the README files in the repo. These docs are also synced with the Github wiki page via a Github Action (see Github Actions/Scripts page for more details.

The Dependency Graph is created with Madge and graphviz, you will need to install both in order to update the dependency graph. I didn't include these in the package.json dependencies because I felt this is more than is needed to develop a working app or even write basic documentation. I also split this out to a separate npm script: npm run doc-image so it can be run when someone actually installs the dependencies

Install madge with npm install -g madge and install graphviz with brew install graphviz or port install graphviz (for OSX).
