Lab 3 1 ARP Observation - devinziegler/Devin-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Assignment: Lab 3.1 ARP Observation
- Review ARP communication to and from my host system.
Problems Encountered:
- I could not find the ARP broadcast packet, but then I realized that I did not wipe the ARP cache of my host.
Helpful Commands:
ip -s -s neigh flush all
- This command will clear the ARP cache of your host kali system.
arp -n
- This command will show you previous devices you have communicated with.
Helpful Steps:
- If broadcast packet is not showing, clear ARP cache and ping client again.
- Make an ARP filter in Wireshark to monitor ARP traffic.
Final Ideas:
- I am now more aware of how layer two (MAC), and layer three (IP) addresses operate. I was able to use Wireshark to capture and analyze ARP requests and responses. This lab helped me understand how ARP is used between hosts on a LAN, recognize the basic flow of ARP, and identify the role of broadcasts with ARP.