Bash Scripting - devinziegler/Devin-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

Assignment: Bash Scripting

Bash or Bourne Again Shell is the default shell for most *nix operating systems. Because of the nature of Bash, automation and scripting is capable of doing just about anything.

Scripting Basics



This file starter is known as shabang. The shabang allows the file to be executed as a program. However permissions may be needed to allow a user to execute.

chmod +x <>

This command will change file permissions to executable for the current user. To execute use the following command:


The ./ flag specifies that the file is to be executed. This is necessary when calling the script, although the executable can be run a different way using bash <>


Piping is incredibly useful for filtering out anything that is not immediately needed.

Basic Pipe Usage:

<command to filter> | grep <pattern>

A useful flag I ran into is -B. This flag allows context lines to be filtered as well as the specified pattern. The flag takes a integer parameter to specify how many context lines.


Here is an example of a very simple for loop:

for i in $(seq 1 10)
     echo $i

The above program will print 1 - 10 in the terminal.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️