Remediating appeals that are ready to distribute but unable to redistribute - department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow GitHub Wiki

To check what remediations need to happen for an appeal which cannot distribute per the slack notification in #appeals-job-alerts

  • Go to metabase
  • Query for all tasks for the appeal (in production; prodtest may be outdated)
    • select. * from tasks where appeal_id = {id} and appeal_type = 'Appeal
  • Check to see if the DistributionTask is still open
    • Sometimes in a race condition the appeal will fail to distribute to a judge because it was already distributed to another judge
  • If the DistributionTask is open and 'assigned', check to see if it has any descendant tasks which are open
    • describes a scenario where child tasks of the DistributionTask are still open even with the DistributionTask 'assigned'.
    • If this is the case, place the DistributionTask 'on_hold' and add it to the list of appeals which will need to be manually reset in the above ticket. The date which they need to be set to 'assigned' is 90 days after the SendFinalNotificationLetterTask was completed, or 90 days after the receipt_date of the appeal, whichever is later
  • If the DistributionTask is open and 'assigned' but doesn't have open descendant tasks, check to see if the hearings info migration SOP was executed for the appeal
    • describes a scenario where the appeal goes through a Hearings Info Migration. The SOP for this previously didn't correctly account for the DistributionTask status after it migrated the hearing and tasks to the appeal, and could unintentionally set the DistributionTask to 'assigned' even if the case had already been distributed
    • If there are any judge tasks (JudgeAssignTask, JudgeDecisionReviewTask) which are in an active status (including on_hold), the DistributionTask should be set to 'completed' as the appeal had been distributed prior to the SOP being executed
  • If the DistributionTask is open and 'assigned' but doesn't have open descendant tasks or didn't go through the hearings info migration, check what other tasks are open on the appeal