Intake Form - department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow GitHub Wiki

The Intake form allows an Inbound Ops Team User/Superuser/Supervisor to associate a Correspondence with prior mail, add new tasks, and link a Correspondence to multiple existing appeals or create a new appeal to associate to.

The Correspondence Intake form is comprised of a singular page that is conditionally rendered depending on what step the user is on.

  • Each step is tracked on the progress bar at the top
  • The steps can be "stepped through" as the continue and back buttons are clicked

The three steps of the correspondence form are as follows:

  1. Add Related Correspondence
  2. Review Tasks & Appeals
  3. Confirm

The Add Related Correspondence Tab

The Add Related Correspondence tab allows a user to add any related correspondence to the mail package that is in progress.

  • This tab consists of a Radio Button under "Associate with prior Mail". "No" is selected by default, and the continue button can be clicked from there.
  • If "Yes" is selected, a new part of the form shows a table with prior mail that can be linked to the correspondence.
  • Continue button will be disabled until mail is selected if the "yes" radio button is selected.
  • Only show completed or pending correspondences.

Response Letter

An Inbound Ops Team member is able to add Response Letters to a Correspondence when on "Step 1" of the Correspondence Intake Form. The user can click the "+Add Letter" button to begin adding the Response Letter.

After clicking the "+Add letter" button, a new component appears requiring the user to input several fields.

  • Date - This field is defaulted to the current date
  • Letter type
  • Letter title - This field is disabled until "Letter type" is selected
  • Letter subcategory - This field is disabled until "Letter title" is selected
  • Letter subcategory reason - This field is disabled until "Letter subcategory" is selected
  • How long should the response window be for this response letter? - This field is disabled until "Letter title" is selected

All fields below "Letter type" are disabled until a "Letter Type" is selected. The below fields are populated by choice of the above fields. All fields must be filled out before the user can continue to the next page. Based on the "Letter title" Response Window option is set to some selections. If "Custom" is selected for the Response window question, the response must be between "1-64" days. The "Remove letter" link can be clicked to remove a Response Letter. Up to 3 Response Letters can be added to a Correspondence.


The data given in the Response letter is shown in the Step 3. Confirm tab(Correspondence Intake form), under Response Letter table. Here we have an option to Edit if necessary. When we click on the Edit section to change the selections of any Correspondence and this will route to the Step 1. Add Related Correspondence page.

On Step 3.Confirm page, below is a Submit button. After clicking the "submit" button and then clicking "confirm" on the modal, the page will route to queue/correspondence page and the Response letter data is saved into the Correspondence_response_letter table.

The UML Diagram for the Response letter is shown below:

The Review Tasks & Appeals Tab

The Review Tasks & Appeals tab allows the user to review any previously completed tasks by the Inbound Ops Team and add new tasks for either the mail package or for linked appeals, if any.

This page consists of three section headers:

  1. Mail Tasks
  2. Tasks not related to an Appeal
  3. Tasks related to an existing Appeal

Mail Tasks

In the Mail Tasks section, the user can select any tasks completed by the Inbound Ops Team for this correspondence.

Tasks not related to an Appeal

In the Tasks not related to an Appeal section, the default state shows a blue "+ Add Tasks" button.

  • If the user clicks that button, a New Tasks Section Appears.
  • Once clicked, this section disables the continue button, and then allows the user to select a task from the dropdown and provide context.
  • After both are added, the continue button will be reenabled, allowing the user to continue. image
  • Currently, four tasks may be added, with each task only selectable one time (except for "Other Motion", which may be selected twice).
  • Clicking the "Add autotext" button allows the user to select multiple phrases to populate the "context and instructions" box. image
  • Tasks may be removed if the user no longer wants to add one.

Technical Notes:

Correspondence dropdowns are populated from correspondence_types lookup table

Autotexts are populated by the auto_texts lookup table

Tasks related to an existing Appeal

In the Tasks related to an existing Appeal section, the "Is this correspondence related to an existing appeal?" radio button is defaulted to "No".

  • If the user selects yes, a new section is displayed including a table of existing appeals related to the appellant. image
  • One or more appeals may be selected.
  • With each selected appeal, a new "+ Add Tasks" button is displayed in the section below, with the appeal's docket number as a header. image
  • Once clicked, this section disables the continue button, and then allows the user to select a task from the dropdown and provide context.
  • After both sections are added (to each appeal selected), the continue button will be reenabled, allowing the user to continue. image
  • Currently, four tasks may be added, with each task only selectable one time (except for "Other Motion", which may be selected twice). image
  • Clicking the "Add autotext" button allows the user to select multiple phrases to populate the "context and instructions" box.
  • Tasks may be removed if the user wants to remove one.
  • Each appeal may also be unlinked using the "Unlink appeal" button.
  • When a task is created, it's created through correspondences_appeals_tasks
  • Correspondence has many appeals through** correspondence_appeals**.
  • A correspondence_appeal has many tasks through correspondences_appeals_tasks

The Confirm Tab

The Confirm tab allows the user to review and confirm correspondence.

  • This page displays all information that will be created within this correspondence.

The page consists of five sections:

  1. About the Correspondence
  2. Associated Prior Mail
  3. Completed Mail Tasks
  4. Tasks not related to an Appeal
  5. Linked Appeals & New Tasks
  • Each section contains information the user entered in previous sections.
  • If any information needs to be changed, the user may click the "Edit Section" button
  • This button will link the user directly to the area requiring the change and allow user to make changes here.


Once all correspondence information has been confirmed, the user may click the "Submit" button. A "confirm submission" modal will display, suggesting the user verify information is correct before submitting.

  • Upon submission, the data is uploaded to E-Folder.
  • If the upload fails, a new UploadFail task is created.

Technical Details

  • Much of the correspondence work is located within the /client/app/queue/correspondence
  • The frontend work for intake is located within /client/app/queue/correspondence/intake
  • The controller is located in /app/controllers/correspondence_controller.rb
  • Redux store is located within the /client/app/queue/correspondence/correspondenceReducer folder