04X Remediation Taxonomies - department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow GitHub Wiki

Helpful links for further information on EPEs

Generally, the 040 EP series represents a supplemental claim. A supplemental claim is any complete claim for a (VA) benefit on a prescribed application form where the claimant or authorized representative disagrees with the decision VA made on an initial or supplemental claim for the same or similar benefit on the same or similar basis. A claim based on a new theory of entitlement is sufficient new and relevant evidence to satisfy the evidentiary threshold.

A supplemental claim is filed on a VA Form 20-0995, Decision Review Request: Supplemental Claim, for issues previously decided (formerly known as requests for reconsideration & requests to reopen).

Note: Certain 040 EPs, with specific claims labels, are established when re-adjudication is necessary based on duty to assist (DTA) error noted by either the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) or a higher-level reviewer. Examples of these 040 series claim labels include:

  • HLR DTA Error – Rating
  • HLR DTA Error – Non-Rating
  • Board DTA Error Rating
  • Board DTA Error Non-Rating, and
  • Board DTA Error – w/IMO.


Required Steps

  1. Log in to AWS
  2. EC2 find the appeals-prod instance and connect
  3. Source environment variables and open console
sudo su -c "source /opt/caseflow-certification/caseflow-certification_env.sh; cd /opt/caseflow-certification/src; bin/rails c -- --nomultiline"
  1. Set user
RequestStore[:current_user] = User.system_user


  • Establish 040 Board DTA Error Rating

  • Establish 040 Board DTA for new and relevant evidence

  1. Locate Appeal record
appeal = Appeal.find_appeal_by_uuid_or_find_or_create_legacy_appeal_by_vacols_id("some-copied-uuid")
  1. Locate decision document
doc = appeal.decision_document
  1. Locate end_product_establishments; if no end_product_establishments exist, follow the steps outlined here <---- UPDATE LINK
epe = doc.end_product_establishments.first # verify this is the end_product_establishment we want to work with
  1. Attempt to cest the 040

  • Establish 040 Board DTA Error Non-Rating

  • Board DTA Error Non-Rating Failed to CEST

  1. Locate Appeal record
appeal = Appeal.find_appeal_by_uuid_or_find_or_create_legacy_appeal_by_vacols_id("some-copied-uuid")
  1. Locate decision document
doc = appeal.decision_document
  1. Verify epe did not cest or is not present
epe = doc.end_product_establishments.first
  1. Check epe code and disposition to make sure they are correct and match the users details in the SNOW ticket. When verified proceed to step 5.

pp epe

  • Establish 041 or CEST Board DTA with all issues

  • 040 Board DTA for remanded issues failed to cest

  • 040 Board DTA failed to dispatch an issue

  • 040 Board DTA Failed to CEST; EP Status - "Cleared, decisions sync failed."

  • Migrate contention from 040 Board DTA Error to 041 Board DTA Error from same docket appeal

  • Payee Code Update; 040 Board DTA Error

hlr = HigherLevelReview.find_by(uuid: "")
epes = hlr.end_product_establishments;

select epe


check request_issues if synced_status is CLR and established_at has a date

pp epe.request_issues

if a request_issue has a decision_sync error of "#<RequestIssue::NoAssociatedRating: Rating request Issue 1234567 cannot create decision issue due to not having an associated rating>" this is what's locking the decision issues from being synced. Remove error value

ri = epe.request_issues.first;
ri.update!(decision_sync_error: nil)

error status in caseflow will be removed

sync the epe with any decision_issues in vbms


check the decision_issues attached to the hlr


if this returns nil or if there is no decision_issue that related to the request_issue(s) in question we need to create the appropriate decision_issue(s)