VRO Console - department-of-veterans-affairs/abd-vro GitHub Wiki

To investigate and recover from errors particularly in the production environment, a VRO Console container was implemented and took inspiration from Rails Console.

The VRO Console container (or simply Console) facilitates diagnostics, such as examining the processing state of the claim by looking at Camel routes and the DB contents, and realtime updates to VRO's state in Redis and VRO's DB.

Enable Console Locally

  • export COMPOSE_PROFILES=debug -- the console container only starts if the docker-compose debug profile is enabled.
  • Start VRO. Note the vro-console-1 container; check out the logs: docker logs vro-console-1.
  • Attach to the container: docker attach vro-console-1

If you need to restart the console container:

cd app/src/docker
docker-compose up -d console
docker attach vro-console-1

Connect to deployed Console container

In order to connect to Console container deployed in LHDI, set up kubectl using the Lightkeeper tool.

Next to connect to the DEV deployment:

# For convenience
❯ alias kc='kubectl -n va-abd-rrd-dev'

❯ kc get pods
NAME                             READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
vro-api-645dc44c64-w95mw             0/6     Init:1/3   0          7m52s
vro-api-postgres-559c5bddbb-7rm2r    1/1     Running    0          7m53s
vro-api-rabbit-mq-74bd4c5bfc-lxb7v   1/1     Running    0          7m53s
vro-api-redis-555446854-jwfqg        1/1     Running    0          7m53s

# The console container is in the pod with several containers
❯ kc exec -i -t vro-api-645dc44c64-w95mw -c abd-vro-console -- sh -c "java -jar vro-console.jar"

For other deployment environment, adjust the kubectl namespace in the alias.

More details in PR #695.

Console Usage

Inspect DB contents

Added in PR #531.

  • On the groovy:000> prompt, try the following:
    ?  # display help
    // Note the printJson (alias pj) custom command
    :show variables
    // Note the `claimsT` variable, which can be used to query the claims DB table
    claimsT.findAll().collect{ it.claimSubmissionId }
    c = getAnyClaim()
    // Different ways to do the same thing:
    printJson c
    printJson getAnyClaim()
    pj c
    // exit   # This will stop the container
    // Instead, press Ctrl-p Ctrl-q to detach from the container without stopping it
  • See https://groovy-lang.org/groovysh.html for other built-in console commands

Inspect Redis

Added in PR #614.

groovy:000> :show variables
// Note the redis and redisT variables

groovy:000> redis.keys "*"
===> [claim-1234]
groovy:000> redis.hlen("claim-1234")
===> 2
groovy:000> redis.hkeys("claim-1234")
===> ["type", "pdf"]
groovy:000> redis.hget("claim-1234", "type")
===> hypertension
groovy:000> redis.hget("claim-1234", "pdf")
===> JVBERi0xLjQKMSAwIG9iago8PAovVGl0bGUgKP7/KQovQ3JlYX ... (truncated base64 encoding of the generated pdf)

// Using RedisTemplate redisT
groovy:000> ops=redisT.opsForValue()
groovy:000> ops.hget("claim-1234", "type")
===> hypertension

Wiretap Camel routes

Listen to messages at certain predefined wireTap Camel endpoints. Added in PR #597

groovy:000> :show variables
// Note the camel variable

// Check out http://localhost:15672/#/queues for current queues and see how `console-*` queues are added as the following commands are run.

// Initially no routes in the CamelContext of the Console container
groovy:000> camel.routes
===> []

groovy:000> wireTap claim-submitted
// Now, submit a claim using Swagger
// Expect to see a log message

groovy:000> wireTap generate-pdf
// Now, generate a pdf using Swagger
// Expect to see a log message

groovy:000> camel.routes
===> [
  Route[rabbitmq://tap-generate-pdf?exchangeType=topic&queue=console-generate-pdf -> null], 
  Route[rabbitmq://tap-claim-submitted?exchangeType=topic&queue=console-claim-submitted -> null]

Inject message into workflow

To submit a message from the VRO Console into a Camel Route endpoint:

// Create the request as a JSON String
  "resourceId": "123444",
  "diagnosticCode": "A"

// Create the Camel endpoint URI
uri="rabbitmq:" + exchangeName + "?skipQueueBind=true&routingKey=" + routingKey

// Inject the message -- see CamelEntry for alternatives ways to inject
resp=pt.requestBody(uri, req, String)
===> {"resourceId":"123444","diagnosticCode":"A","status":"PROCESSING","reason":null}

This requires that the Camel Route endpoint be exposed outside of the JVM, e.g., the endpoint uses rabbitmq: and not direct: or seda:. The VRO Console has access to RabbitMQ queues, not the internal JVM queues or endpoints.


Add custom console commands

See the PrintJson and Wiretap classes.

Add custom function

Add to the console/.../groovysh.rc file.