Docker containers - department-of-veterans-affairs/abd-vro GitHub Wiki

Docker containers

The values.yaml file shows a list of container images that VRO creates and are ultimately deployed to Kubernetes.


(Packages in Github Container Registry)

Currently, there are more packages associated with this repo. Packages are listed on the side panel of the VRO repo.

UPDATE: PR #65 makes it such that packages are automatically associated with this repo, but the package needs to be manually set to "Inherit access from source repository" as instructed by LHDI doc. rate limits

Due to rate limits, PR #67 and PR #68 pulls container images (e.g., postgres and rabbitmq) from (i.e., DockerHub,, then tags and pushes them to Github Container Registry (ghcr). LHDI has ideas to create mirrors of commonly used images, so that people can access those without getting rate limited (as well as being well-vetted images), however the timeline for that is unclear. Until then, we'll push them to ghcr so that LHDI can pull the images without any limit.

These packages (unchanged from need "Inherit access from source repository" to be set manually (instructions in LHDI Development Guide), and must be manually connected to this repo because we do not modify the Dockerfile LABEL (LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source=, which would automatically associate the image with the repo.

Gradle Docker plugin

To build the container images, this project uses Palantir's Gradle Docker plugin --

Uses of container images

The following subsections describe uses of container images.

LHDI deployments

Used in LHDI's Kubernetes clusters, the images are retrieved and deployed to dev and separately deployed to production.

In the Kubernetes clusters, the app (or abd_vro-app) docker container depends on init containers (which run and exit before the app container is started):

  • container-init: init_pg.sql
  • db-init (or abd_vro-db-init): flyway DB migrations
  • opa-init: rego policies and permissions

As mentioned in the packages section above, the application-specific container images (abd_vro-app and abd_vro-db-init) are packaged, tagged, and pushed to Github Container Registry by VRO's Github Actions. The other (non-abd_vro) container images (such as pg-ready, istio-init, and istio-proxy) are provided by LHDI.

Pushed by Github Action

Used by publish.yml Github Action to push container images ("packages") to the Github Container Registry -- see Github Actions.

Local development

Used to set up a local environment for code development and testing. The dockerComposeUp task in app/build.gradle starts Docker containers locally using your local code modifications. See Development process for details.

Approved images

When deploying an image from Docker, use Docker official images.

When defining a new image with a Dockerfile, use a base image from Docker official images.

Why? See LHDI docs. Either use a Docker official image, or have it scanned and signed in the Secure Release process by including it in .github/secrel/config.yml.

Adding a container for a new microservice

  • Add a new Gradle subproject
    • Include your new service inside of settings.gradle
    • Include your new service inside of build.gradle
  • For local development, add your container to app/docker-compose.yml so that your container is started when running VRO. This file has several helpers and placeholder vars to ensure consistency between services and containers (rabbitmq, redis, etc). Note the service and image names will be prefixed with svc and abd_vro respectively, e.g.:
    image: va/abd_vro-foo:latest

After creating and updating the files above, run these commands:

./gradlew build check docker
# to start VRO
./gradlew :dockerComposeUp :app:dockerComposeUp

You should see Container docker-svc-foo-1 Started in the output of all containers starting up.

Adding a container for a new python microservice

To add a new python microservice with docker container, there are a few steps & files that need to be updated.

First, create the new microservice files inside of service-python. It's okay if these are stubbed to begin with, full functionality is not needed in order to create the container.

For a microservice named foo, you will need to add these files:

  • service-python/foo/
  • service-python/foo/build.gradle
    • This Gradle file can be barebones, all that is needed is plugins { id 'local.python.container-service-conventions' } to re-use the common settings for all python services. Refer to the other service-python/*/build.gradle files.
  • service-python/foo/src/requirements.txt the dependency requirements for your service
  • service-python/foo/src/lib/ as the directory where your python code will actually live. This will have another and likely a,,, etc. as required by your services.
  • (Optional) service-python/foo/docker-compose.yml with the necessary services listed (rabbitmq, redis, etc)
  • service-python/Dockerfile will be used to create the container image for the service using files in the build/docker/ subfolder (populated after running ./gradlew service-python:foo:docker). Using a custom Dockerfile is possible but will require special Gradle and SecRel config.yml configurations.

Outside of your specific service, a few other files need to be updated:

  • Include your requirements in service-python/requirements.txt
  • Add your container to VRO configs -- see section above
  • Add your container to deployment configs -- see section below

Adding a container for deployment

  1. Update scripts/
    • add the folder's basename to IMAGES Bash array
    • add to various the bash functions's case statement if the folder is not at the project root-level
  2. Run scripts/ and review the changes
    • If changes look good, update the files manually or like so:
      cp .github/secrel/config-updated.yml .github/secrel/config.yml
      cp helmchart/values-updated.yaml helmchart/values.yaml
    • Add changes, including scripts/image_vars.src, and commit changes to git
  3. Update helmchart/templates/api/deployment.yaml, which prescribes how VRO is to be deployed to LHDI
  4. Commit all changes, push, and create a PR
  5. Run the Deploy-Dev action on the PR's branch
  6. Once the action completes:
  7. Check for successful LHDI deployment to the DEV namespace by
    • Looking for non-zero downloads of your package. LHDI should have downloaded it.
    • Or connecting to LHDI's EKS cluster, e.g., using the Lens app

GHCR images

GHCR images are associated with the abd-vro-internal repo

The SecRel workflow has an option to sign the images, which is needed for certain deployment environments.

Deployment environments (LHDI clusters) pull images from GHCR

  • DEV and QA do NOT require signed images
  • SANDBOX, PROD-TEST, and PROD require signed images. For these namespaces:

    DI does not enforce any specific usage of these namespaces other than enforcing resource quotas and image signing for prod and sandbox environments.

In the internal repo, when a GitHub Release is created. the SecRel workflow is triggered, which will sign the image in GHCR if it passes SecRel checks. Then these signed images can be deployed to the LHDI environments that require signed images.

Why not use the signed images for all environments so that there are fewer images to manage? Because if SecRel fails (for various reasons), the images are not signed. To allow testing to continue despite SecRel failures, the unsigned images are useful to have for deployment to certain environments for testing.