GCP Datastudio - dennisholee/notes GitHub Wiki

To improve report performance, GDS cache data in two ways:

  • Query cache: a query here means "data request". GDS remembers result of the previous query, and if the next query use the parameters (same dimensions, same metrics, same filters etc...) then the result will be displayed from cache.
  • Pre-fetch cache is the next layer where GDS look for data if the new query cannot be satisfied by query cache. GDS creates it by predicting what kind of data that a component (chart, filters...) in the report can request.

Src: https://www.holistics.io/blog/google-data-studio-pricing-and-in-depth-reviews/

There are 2 types of fields in Data Studio:

  • Dimensions describe or categorize your data. Adding dimensions to a chart groups the data by those dimensions.
  • Metrics measure your dimensions. A metric is the result of applying an aggregation to a set of values.

Source: https://support.google.com/datastudio/answer/6402048?hl=en