Step 4: Control with Delta Robot One - deltarobotone/conveyor_system GitHub Wiki

Delta-Robot One has an hardware interface on the circuit board to provide the usage of the conveyor system without any additional hardware like a motordriver or a power supply. Connect the DC-Motor of Conveyor System to your Delta-Robot One interface to M+(PWM max. 5V/4A) and M-(GND).

Conveyor System and Arduino Library

The Arduino Library for Delta-Robot One contains the code which provides the control of an external DC-Motor. So it is possible to use the conveyor system directl. If you would like to go more into detail you can do this without any problem because the software is open source.

Sourcecode: >>>One System Library<<<

We recommend to use the FullSystemDemo of OneSystem Library to do the first steps wit Delta-Robot One and Conveyor System. The basic functions to control the drive of Conveyor System are implemented in this demo. Use the menu of Delta-Robot One and navigate to Ext. Motor.

This function is controling an external motor connected to the pinout (M+,M-) of One Circuit Board (5V). Start and stop the motor by pressing the encoder button. Rotate the encoder to change the speed of the motor. Go back with center button.

In the next step you can write your own control function using the interface of OneSystemLibrary:

The following lines are showing the external motor example of the One System Library. Select this example at Arduino IDE to control Conveyor System.

//Create the DeltaRobotOne-Object
DeltaRobotOne robot(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x27);
void setup()
//Robot setup
//Power main circuit
//Move the robot to the home position (X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=85.0)  
//Clear the display
//Print out some information on display
robot.display.printLine1(F("External Motor"));
//Wait for 2 seconds
void loop()
//This example shows you how to use an external motor on the robot interface
//Connect a DC-Motor to interface pins M+ (5V max) and M- (Ground)
//The motor speed can be set beetween 1 and 255
//Set a high motor speed
int speedValue = 255;
//Start the motor
// if you have a high motorspeed you can use this function in this way
//Wait for 2 seconds
//Stop the motor
//Wait for 2 seconds
//Set a slow motor speed
speedValue = 50;
//If you have a slow motorspeed you can use the startup parameter 
//to set a high speed for 500 milliseconds to start the motor
//Start the motor with startup function
//Wait for 2 seconds
//Set a normal motor speed
speedValue = 150;
//Change the speed of the motor while the motor is running
//Wait for 2 seconds
//Stop the motor
//Wait for 2 seconds

Python package (One-Easy-Protocol)

A Python package provides the communication protocol with a high level interface to control Delta-Robot One from other systems. So you can control the robot and/or the Conveyor System easily from a system like a Raspberry Pi via USB. Use python package manager to install one-easy-protocol on your system:

Python 2 -> pip install one-easy-protocol

Python 3 -> pip3 install one-easy-protocol

Sourcecode, Tutorials and Documentation of One Easy Protocol:

>>>One Easy Protocol Python<<<

For C++ version of One Easy Protocol have a look at:

>>>One Easy Protocol C++<<<

Please use the introduction at the links above to setup your remote control system. Here is an example how Conveyor System could be controled using one-easy-protocol.

//External motor control
robot.extmotor.setSpeed(50.0); //0.0-255.0