tmc meeting minutes 20200605 - deegree/deegree3 GitHub Wiki

TMC Meeting Minutes 2020-06-05

(11:01) <copierrj>hi
(11:01) <StephanR>Hi
(11:02) - tfr42 joined
(11:02) <tfr42>Hi
(11:02) <copierrj>hi
(11:03) <tfr42>Voice chat for today
(11:04) <tfr42>What is on our agenda for today?
(11:06) <copierrj>still unresolved:
(11:08) <StephanR>Some progress for
(11:10) - stenger joined
(11:16) <tfr42>Open PR
(11:16) <tfr42>Anything else?
(11:18) <tfr42>Let's start with
(11:19) <tfr42>Link seems to work now
(11:27) <tfr42>I do propose to close the issue. Issue seems to be resolved.
(11:30) <tfr42>Outdated files shall be moved to /root/backups
(11:30) <copierrj>+1
(11:30) <StephanR>+1
(11:32) <tfr42>+1
(11:34) <tfr42>Next topic the log4j issue
(11:34) <tfr42>see also issue
(11:38) <tfr42>The PR is not yet created since the new configuration seems not picked up. And deegree logs do not look like the old based on log4j 1.2
(11:39) <tfr42>Any help or contribution is welcome
(11:48) <tfr42>Work in progress
(11:49) <copierrj>The TMC decided that maintaining compatibility with existing log4j properties file may be dropped when this simplifies upgrading log4j
(11:50) <tfr42>+1
(11:50) <StephanR>+1
(11:51) <tfr42>PR
(12:02) <copierrj>proposal: we accept this PR and merge it as soon as Jenkins CI succeeds
(12:02) <tfr42>+1
(12:02) <stenger>+1
(12:02) <copierrj>+1
(12:02) <StephanR>+1
(12:04) <tfr42>Next TMC meeting
(12:04) <copierrj>19th of june?
(12:04) <tfr42>+1
(12:04) <copierrj>11:00h - 12:00h CET
(12:04) <StephanR>+1
(12:04) <stenger>+1
(12:07) <tfr42>Topic for next meeting is metadata.xml config file
(12:07) <tfr42>seems not to be picked up
(12:09) <copierrj>bye
(12:09) <tfr42>
(12:09) <tfr42>bye
(12:09) <StephanR>bye