Next deegree REST API discussion - deegree/deegree3 GitHub Wiki

Draft of deegree REST API

BASE /config/v2


Method Path Accept Action
GET /[.format] Open API Description
GET / YAML/Json Open API Description
GET /apidoc/\* Swagger
GET /info Get current workspace name, may also provide other useful information Like uf an auth id supplied, API dicumentation
GET /info/fonts list
GET /info/crs list
POST /info/crs?wkt=<wkt>    retrieves a list of CRS codes corresponding to the WKT (POSTed KVP)
GET /info/crs/<code> checks if a CRS definition is available, returns true/false, maybe details

Operation on current workspace

Method Path Accept Action
GET / download as zip
GET /ws/cat[/dir] YAML/JSON List catalog of files and subdirectories
GET /ws/cat[/dir][.format] List catalog of files and subdirectories
GET /ws/res/[dir/]id[.ext] downloads (file)
PUT /ws/res/[dir/]id[.ext] upload single file
DELETE /ws/res/[dir/]id[.ext] delete file
GET /ws/op/status[/dir][?dependencies=false] YAML/JSON Status of current workspace
GET /ws/op/status[/dir][.format][?dependencies=false] Status of current workspace
GET /ws/op/update Operations - rescan config files and update resources
GET /ws/op/restart[[/path]/file] Operations - restart workspace or resource
GET /ws/op/validate[[/path]/file] Operations - validate workspace or resource
GET /ws/op/bboxcache[&featureStoreId=x[,b]] recalculates the bounding boxes of all or named (CSV) stores
GET /ws/op/invalidate/datasources/tile/id/matrixset[?bbox=...] invalidate part or all of a tile store cache's tile matrix set

Operations on names workspace

Method Path Accept Action
GET /wss[.format] YAML/JSON List all workspaces
GET /wss[.format] List all workspaces
GET /wss/<wsname>.zip Download Workspace
GET /wss/<wsname>/cat[/dir] YAML/JSON List catalog of files and subdirectories
GET /wss/<wsname>/cat[/dir].[format] List catalog of files and subdirectories
PUT /wss/<wsname>[.zip] Upload new Workspace
GET /wss/<wsname>/res/[dir/]id[.ext] Downloads file
PUT /wss/<wsname>/res/[dir/]id[.ext] Upload file
DELETE /wss/<wsname>/res/[dir/]id[.ext] Delete file
DELTE /wss/<wsname> Delete Workspace
GET /wss/<wsname>/op/update Operations - rescan config files and update resources
GET /wss/<wsname>/op/validate[[/path]/file] Operations - validate workspace or resource
GET /wss/<wsname>/op/restart Operations - Switch (restart) as current workspace
GET /wss/<wsname>/op/bboxcache[?featureStoreId=a[,b]] recalculates the bounding boxes of all or named (CSV) stores
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️