Build and deploy dockerized XDPS - dedreval/xdps-docs GitHub Wiki

Build application using Jenkins

Image is built automatically on code update in repository on branch master. To build XDPS image manually navigate to and click Build Now button.


Build result and new application version are here


Deploy application using Jenkins

To deploy application to non-prod environment navigate to and

  1. Click "Build with Parameters"
  2. Select "xdps/xdps-app" from dropdown applications list
  3. Select application version (newest by default on the top)
  4. Select environment
  5. Set "gis" account

Click "Build"


Wait for process to finish


Deployment to production environment is the same with form here -

Build and run XDPS locally

Local testing was done using docker engine installed on WSL. For local build and deployment adjust docker-compose.yaml accordingly - setting database credentials and other environment variables. Navigate to project location and run

docker-compose up

After build finishes, application will be available at http://localhost:8080/CochraneCMS-web/app