BIMGIS InteropLibs - dd-bim/City2BIM GitHub Wiki
A library for reading, processing and output of various data formats from the fields of GIS BIM and CAD.
The structure is as follows:
- BimGisCad (Author: Enrico Romanschek):
- Library for geometric calculations; will be discontinued!
- Note: currently still used in program code; need to be replaced by "topology-relations" or custom classes & functions in the future
- BIMGISInteropLibs:
- "Heart" of the Solution, here lies the logic for all software components
- different folders are available for different functionalities
- files for different applications can be located in one folder if necessary
- Note: no functionalities from / for Revit are stored here! (the RevitAPI is also not implemented).
- City2RVT
- all logic that is needed for the City2BIM plugin & the RevitAPI is stored here
- Basic structure (most important folders):
- Builder -> Logic for creating objects / elements
- Calc -> Calculation logic
- GUI -> each addin has its own UIs which are stored here
- UI_PlugIn.cs -> in this file the whole application is initialized (important if another function should be added)
- Setup_Revit_20XY -> small projects to create the setup.exe to install the City2BIM addin
GuiHandler -> here the different "user controllers" are managed (these can be used by Revit as well as IfcTerrain)
IfcTerrainGUI -> graphical user interface to configure conversion
IfcTerrainCommand -> command line console application to read configuration files (*.json; which is generated by IfcTerrainGUI)