Release process - dcs-liberation/dcs_liberation GitHub Wiki

To release a new version of DCS Liberation:

  1. Make sure the version number and changelog are up to date in the release branch. If the changelog needs to be updated, fix it in develop first and cherry-pick the updates to the release branch so they stay in sync.
  2. Announce a preview build in #:loudspeaker:preview with the link to the GitHub Action for the specifc branch before creating the Release and wait some time. This allows to get some feedback on the build
  3. When everything is ready for release tag the corresponding release branch. Format for release tags is $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH. Do not create a release. A release will be created automatically by the GitHub action from the tag. git tag 6.1.1 && git push --tags, for example.
  4. Smoke test the tagged build
  5. Update the bug templates in .github to allow reporting bugs against the new release. Old versions should be removed.
  6. In Releases, promote the tagged build to a release. The description should be pre-filled with the changelog.
  7. Announce the release in #:loudspeaker:releases in Discord.