UI Permission Configuration - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

Control Who Sees What

With version 5.13.0 of dcm4chee-arc-light (Secured Version), we have built the possibility to control the visibility of some parts of the UI. If you don't want or don't need permission configuration, you can define some super-user-role and add that role to the UI-user(s) in the Keycloak.

Permission Configuration

Where to find the Permission Configuration in the UI

  1. Go to Menu -> Configuration, then on Devices page, use Edit Device of dcm4chee-arc device.
  2. Go to Extensions and Edit Extension of Device Extension, open the Child Objects block and click the (first) element (by default called default) on the drop-down of the UI Configuration, open Child Objects and there you can find the Permission part.

Editing Permissions

If you edit/add some permission in the UI Configurator, you will see 4 attributes, UI Permission Name, UI Action, UI Action Parameter and Accepted User Role.

The combination of UI Action and UI Action Parameter is defining the part (Element, Block, Menu etc) in the UI, where the permission should apply, the Accepted User Role attribute is defining the user roles that the combination (UI Action and UI Action Parameter) is active. UI Permission Name is only some name that you can change as you wish.

Here you can see a list of all combinations that are possible and can be used:

In Open Source Version:

UI Action Value Valid UI Action Parameter Value Meaning Current UI Permission Name
menu-studies visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Studies Menu - Studies
accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Menu Point Studies Menu - Studies
action-studies-more_function visible Controls the Visibility of More Functions drop-down in the Studies page Action - Studies - More Function
action-studies-viewer visible Controls the Visibility of Open Viewer Icon/Button Action - Studies - Open Viewer
action-studies-study edit Controls the Visibility of Edit Button for the Studies in the Studies page Action - Studies - Edit study
action-studies-study upload Controls the Visibility of Upload-Button for the Studies in the Studies page Action - Studies - Upload File in study
action-studies-verify_storage_commitment visible Controls the Visibility of Verify Storage Commitment-Button for the Studies in the Studies page Action - Studies - Verify Storage Commitment
action-studies-download visible Controls the Visibility of Download-Button for the Studies in the Studies page Action - Studies - Download study
action-studies-study restore Controls the Visibility of Restore Study-Button in the Studies page Action - Studies - Restore Study
action-studies-copy_merge_move visible Controls the Visibility of Copy-Merge-Move-Block of Buttons in the Studies page Action - Studies - Copy Merge Move
action-studies-patient edit Controls the Visibility of Edit-Button for the Patients in the Studies page Action - Studies - Edit Patient
action-studies-mwl create Controls the Visibility of Create-Button for the MWL in the Studies page Action - Studies - Create MWL
action-studies-patient delete Controls the Visibility of Delete-Button for the Patient in the Studies page Action - Studies - Delete Patient
action-studies-study export Controls the Visibility of Export-Button for the Studies in the Studies page Action - Studies - Export study
action-studies-study reject Controls the Visibility of Reject-Button for the Studies in the Studies page Action - Studies - Reject study
action-studies-study restore Controls the Visibility of Restore-Button for the Studies in the Studies page Action - Studies - Restore study
action-studies-serie visible Controls the Visibility of Show Series-Button in the Studies page Action - Studies - Show Series
action-studies-serie export Controls the Visibility of Export-Button for the Series in the Studies page Action - Studies - Export Series
action-studies-serie reject Controls the Visibility of Reject-Button for the Series in the Studies page Action - Studies - Reject Series
action-studies-serie restore Controls the Visibility of Restore-Button for the Series in the Studies page Action - Studies - Restore Series
action-studies-instance export Controls the Visibility of Export-Button for the Instances in the Studies page Action - Studies - Export Instance
action-studies-serie reject Controls the Visibility of Reject-Button for the Instances in the Studies page Action - Studies - Reject Instance
action-studies-instance restore Controls the Visibility of Restore-Button for the Instances in the Studies page Action - Studies - Restore Instance
action-studies-mwl upload Controls the Visibility of Upload-Button for the MWL in the Studies page Action - Studies - Edit MWL
action-studies-mwl delete Controls the Visibility of Delete-Button for the MWL in the Studies page Action - Studies - Delete MWL
action-studies-count visible Controls the Visibility of Count-Button in the Studies page Action - Studies - Count
action-studies-size visible Controls the Visibility of Size-Button in the Studies page Action - Studies - Size
menu-configuration visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Configuraiton Menu - Configuration
tab-configuration->devices accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Devices in Configuration page Tab - Configuration Devices
visible Controls the Visible of the Tab Devices in Configuration page Tab - Configuration Devices
action-devicelist-device_configuration accessible Controls the Permission to configure a device Action - Device Configuration
tab-configuration->ae_list accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Ae List in Configuration page Tab - Configuration Ae List
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Ae List in Configuration page Tab - Configuration Ae List
tab-configuration->hl7_applications accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Hl7 Applications in Configuration page Tab - Configuration Hl7 Applications
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Hl7 Applications in Configuration page Tab - Configuration Hl7 Applications
action-devicelist-device_configuration visible Controls the Visibility of the Buttons that has to do with editing devices in Devicelist page Action - Device Config Actions
menu-monitoring visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Monitoring Menu - Monitoring
tab-monitoring->associations accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Associations in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Associations
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Associations in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Associations
tab-monitoring->queues accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Queues in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Queues
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Queues in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Queues
tab-monitoring->control accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Control in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Control
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Control in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Control
tab-monitoring->export accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Export in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Export
visible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Export in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Export
tab-monitoring->external_retrieve accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab External Retrieve in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring External Retrieve
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab External Retrieve in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring External Retrieve
tab-monitoring->storage_commitments accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Storage Commitments in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Storage Commitments
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Storage Commitments in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Storage Commitments
tab-monitoring->storage_systems accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Storage Systems in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Storage Systems
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Storage Systems in Monitoring page Tab - Monitoring Storage Systems
action-monitoring->queues-all_action visible Controls the Visibility of the More Function-Block in the Monitoring->Queues page Action - Monitoring Queues All Actions
action-monitoring->queues-single_action visible Controls the Visibility of the Action-Buttons (e.g. Cancel,Reschedule,Delete) in the Monitoring->Queues page Action - Monitoring Queues Single Actions
action-monitoring->export-all_action visible Controls the Visibility of the Action-Block (Download-CSV and All Actions) in the Monitoring->Export page Action - Monitoring Export All Actions
action-monitoring->export-single_action visible Controls the Visibility of the Action-Buttons (e.g. Cancel,Reschedule,Delete) in the Monitoring->Export page Action - Monitoring Export Single Action
action-monitoring->external_retrieve-all_action visible Controls the Visibility of the Action-Block (Download-CSV, Upload-CSV and All Actions) in the Monitoring->External retrieve page Action - Monitoring - External Retrieve All Actions
action-monitoring->external_retrieve-single_action visible Controls the Visibility of the Action-Buttons (e.g. Cancel,Reschedule,Delete) in the Monitoring->External Retrieve page Action - Monitoring - External Retrieve Single Action

In Pro Version:

UI Action Value Valid UI Action Parameter Value Meaning Current UI Permission Name
menu-lifecycle_management visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Lifecycle Management Menu - Lifecycle Management
accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Menu Point Lifecycle Management Menu - Lifecycle Management
menu-audit_record_repository visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Audit Record Repository Menu - Audit Record Repository
accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Menu Point Audit Record Repository Menu - Audit Record Repository
menu-correct_data visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Correct Data Menu - Correct Data
menu-move_data visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Move Data Menu - Move Data
tab-move_data->retrieve accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Retrieve in Move Data page Tab - Move Data Retrieve
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Retrieve in Move Data page Tab - Move Data Retrieve
menu-statistics visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Statistics Menu - Statistics
menu-dashboard accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Menu Point Dashboard Menu - dashboard
visible Controls the Visibility of the Menu Point Dashboard Menu - dashboard
tab-move_data->export accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Export in Move Data page Tab - Move Data Export
visible Controls the Visible of the Tab Export in Move Data page Tab - Move Data Export
tab-statistics->statistics accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Statistics in Statistics page Tab - Statistics
visible Controls the Visible of the Tab Statistics in Statistics page Tab - Statistics
tab-statistics->studies-stored accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Studies Stored in Statistics page Tab - Statistics Studies Stored
visible Controls the Visibility of the Tab Studies Stored in Statistics page Tab - Statistics Studies Stored
tab-correct_data->diff accessible Controls the Accessibility of the Tab Diff in Correct Data page Tab - Correct Data Diff
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