Reschedule UPS record - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

This page briefly describes test and verification for rescheduling single UPS record which already exist in the archive. On rescheduling a UPS record a new UPS will be created with SCHEDULED status and with a Replaced Procedure Step Sequence with an item in it referring the to SOP Class UID and SOP Instance UID of the old UPS record

As the feature is yet to be implemented in the archive UI, the following test can be done directly using curl.

Test and Verification

  • Go to Navigation -> UWL and search UPS records by specifying one or more filters, as required.
  • Use Show Attributes against the UPS record which you want to reschedule. Select the value of SOP Instance UID and use it in the below curl request by replacing <workitem-sop-iuid>. You may optionally choose to send query parameters for newWorkitem (as a unique UID) and upsScheduledTime in Simple date format. For the verification in the last point, also note down the SOP Class UID.


curl -vX POST 'http[s]://<archive-host>:<port>/dcm4chee-arc/aets/<LocalArchiveAET>/rs/<workitem-sop-iuid>/reschedule' 
  • Once the Scheduled Procedure Step Start DateTime is reached, the UPS shall be processed according to its configured Scheduled Workitem Code.
  • In the new created UPS record, verify the Replaced Procedure Step Sequence. This shall contain a single item with Referenced SOP Class UID and Referenced SOP Instance UID having values as that of SOP Class UID (noted down in 2nd point) and <workitem-sop-iuid>


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