MPPS Supported by Modality - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


Instance Availability Notification can be sent when Modality Performed Procedure Step is triggered by a modality.

Instance Availability Notification will not be sent even if Modality Performed Procedure Step is triggered by a modality in following use case

Monitoring IAN Tasks

Go to the Menu->Monitoring page and click on Queues tab.

  • Here you need to select IAN Tasks from Queue dropdown and may select one or more filters and query for the IAN tasks. You can also just get the Count of IAN tasks.
  • You also have the option to reschedule/cancel/delete a single IAN Task (icons available against each task, hover for info) or use bulk operations on IAN tasks i.e Reschedule all matching tasks/Cancel all matching tasks/Delete all matching tasks.
  • For doing bulk reschedule, one of the following status COMPLETED/WARNING/FAILED/CANCELED must always be selected in order to be able to see the option Reschedule all matching tasks in the All actions dropdown.
  • For doing bulk cancel, one of the following status SCHEDULED/IN PROCESS must always be selected in order to be able to see the option Cancel all matching tasks in the All actions dropdown.
  • For doing bulk delete, one can select Delete all matching tasks in the All actions dropdown.
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