Link Instances to MWL - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


One may choose to link instances of a study to an existing Modality Worklist Item in the following cases :

  • MWL is scheduled before study is sent to archive
  • MWL is scheduled after study is sent to archive

In both the above cases,

  • if modality generated a wrong Study Instance UID for the study which is associated with the Modality Worklist, then by using this feature, the study is rejected (preferably) with Incorrect Modality Worklist rejection reason and the attributes of MWL are associated with the new copied study.
  • if Study Instance UIDs of study match with that of MWL, then only the attributes on study and series level are updated with attributes of the modality worklist item.


By default, archive comes pre-configured with DCM4CHEE Web Application. To be able to use services for MWL, add MWL_RS as Web Service Class. To do this, go to Configuration -> Devices -> dcm4chee-arc -> Device Extension -> Child Objects -> Web Applications -> DCM4CHEE. Select additionally MWL_RS for field Web Service Class and Save.


  • In Navigation page -> Studies tab, query for required study using one or more filters.
  • Once the study is displayed, select Toggle checkboxes from Action for selections dropdown.
  • Select the study and then Mark selected study for linking with MWL from the options available on the left.
  • Go to MWL tab and query for desired MWL. Select the MWL item and then Start the process of copying/moving/lonking or merging from the options available on the left.
  • In the popup, select a rejection reason, preferably Incorrect MWL Entry and Link. An Info message can be seen at bottom right of the page that Study and MWL linked successfully!.
  • Go back to Studies tab, query for the study that was linked. One should see a rejection note KO created for the study. For that patient, one can see a new study has been created with attributes taken from MWL.
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