HL7 PDQ Service - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

A HL7 PDQ Service searches for patient demographics for patient(s) available on an external patient demographics supplier capable of receiving HL7 Patient Demographics Query messages.


  • Ensure to create a HL7 Receiver for external patient demographics supplier.
  • Configure a specific HL7 application in archive acting as Sending Application and Facility. (Available at Menu -> Configuration -> Devices -> dcm4chee-arc -> Extensions -> Edit extension -> Device Extension -> Child Objects -> HL7 Applications)

Using Archive UI

  • Go to Menu -> Configuration -> Devices -> dcm4chee-arc -> Extensions -> Edit extension -> Device Extension -> Archive Device Extension -> Child Objects -> PDQ Service.
  • Enter values for PDQ Service ID, PDQ Service Description and Patient Attributes as required.
  • Specify PDQ Service URI as pdq-hl7:HL7SND/DCM4CHEE:HL7RCV/DCM4CHEE. (where HL7SND/DCM4CHEE is a HL7 application of archive acting as Sending Application and Facility whereas HL7RCV/DCM4CHEE is the Receiving Application and Facility acting as external patient demographics supplier)
  • Add mandatory PDQ Service Property as XSLStylesheetURI=${jboss.server.temp.url}/dcm4chee-arc/hl7-adt2dcm.xsl and Save.
  • Note : Query Entity default selected value Patient may be left as it is. Changing it to Study is invalid for HL7 PDQ Service.

Using LDAP

One may either

  • create a LDIF file (e.g.):

      version: 1       
      dn: dcmPDQServiceID=Test HL7 PDQ,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      objectClass: dcmPDQService
      dcmPDQServiceID: Test HL7 PDQ
      dicomDescription: Test PDQ with External Patient Demographics Supplier
      dcmProperty: XSLStylesheetURI=${jboss.server.temp.url}/dcm4chee-arc/hl7-adt2dcm.xsl

and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapadd command line utility or the LDIF Import... function of Apache Directory Studio

  • or directly use the New Entry... function to create corresponding Exporter entries.

One may refer to PDQ Service to understand the description of attributes.

Go to the Control tab on Configuration page in archive UI and reload the configuration.

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