Distribute secured archive services and Elastic Stack over several hosts without Docker Swarm - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki

Secured archive services using Keycloak as Authentication Server and storing System and Audit Logs to Elastic Stack distributed over 3 nodes

Ensure that there is a hostname entry in your DNS server for all 3 Nodes.
(Optional) Create system groups and users with particular group and user IDs used by the archive services
On the Archive Node
$ sudo -i
# groupadd -r dcm4chee-arc --gid=1023 && useradd -r -g dcm4chee-arc --uid=1023 dcm4chee-arc
# groupadd -r keycloak-dcm4chee --gid=1029 && useradd -r -g keycloak-dcm4chee --uid=1029 keycloak-dcm4chee
# exit
On the Database Node
$ sudo -i
# groupadd -r slapd-dcm4chee --gid=1021 && useradd -r -g slapd-dcm4chee --uid=1021 slapd-dcm4chee
# groupadd -r postgres-dcm4chee --gid=999 && useradd -r -g postgres-dcm4chee --uid=999 postgres-dcm4chee
# exit
System Configuration for Elasticsearch on the Elastic Stack Node
$ sudo -i
# sysctl -w vm.swappiness=1
# echo 'vm.swappiness=1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf (to persist reboots)
# exit
$ sudo -i
# sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
# echo 'vm.max_map_count=262144' >> /etc/sysctl.conf (to persist reboots)
# exit

If you are bind-mounting a local directory or file, it must be readable by the elasticsearch user. In addition, this user must have write access to the config, data and log dirs (Elasticsearch needs write access to the config directory so that it can generate a keystore). A good strategy is to grant group access to gid 0 for the local directory.

For example, to prepare a local directory for storing data through a bind-mount:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/esdatadir
$ sudo chmod g+rwx /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/esdatadir
$ sudo chgrp 0 /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/esdatadir
Ensure that Logstash has write access to the file used to persist the fingerprint of the last audit message

You have to mount the file or parent directory specified by environment variable HASH_FILE to a volume or host directory to avoid to start a new hash tree on every re-creation of the container. The file (or parent directory) must be writable by the logstash user of the container (uid=1000). E.g., for mapping the file:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/logstash
$ sudo touch /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/logstash/filter-hashtree
$ sudo chown 1000:1000 /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/logstash/filter-hashtree

or for mapping the parent directory

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/logstash
$ sudo chown 1000:1000 /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/logstash  

Continue using Docker Command Line or Docker Compose alternatively:

On the Elastic Stack Node

  1. Create an user-defined bridge network
    $ docker network create dcm4chee_default

On the Database Node

  1. Create an user-defined bridge network
    $ docker network create dcm4chee_default
  2. Start OpenLDAP Server

    Launch a container providing the LDAP server into the created network, e.g:

    $ docker run --network=dcm4chee_default --name ldap \
               --log-driver gelf \
               --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201 \
               --log-opt tag=slapd
               -p 389:389 \
               -e ARCHIVE_HOST=<arc-host> \
               -e SYSLOG_HOST=<elk-node> \
               -e SYSLOG_PORT=8514 \
               -e SYSLOG_PROTOCOL=TLS \
               -v /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/ldap:/var/lib/openldap/openldap-data \
               -v /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/slapd.d:/etc/openldap/slapd.d \
               -d dcm4che/slapd-dcm4chee:2.6.7-33.0

    which differs from Run secured archive services and Elastic Stack on a single host by --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201 and -e SYSLOG_HOST=<elk-node> - you have to replace _<arc-node> _and <elk-node> by the hostnames of the Archive and the Elastic Stack Node.

  3. Start PostgreSQL Server

    Launch a container providing the database server into the created network, e.g:

    $ docker run --network=dcm4chee_default --name db \
               --log-driver gelf \
               --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201 \
               --log-opt tag=postgres
               -p 5432:5432 \
               -e POSTGRES_DB=pacsdb \
               -e POSTGRES_USER=pacs \
               -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pacs \
               -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
               -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
               -v /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
               -d dcm4che/postgres-dcm4chee:16.4-33

    which differs from Run secured archive services and Elastic Stack on a single host by --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201 - you have to replace <elk-node> by the hostname of the Elastic Stack Node.

  4. Start MariaDB Server used by Keycloak Authentication Server

    Launch a container providing Maria DB server into the created network, e.g:

    $ docker run --network=dcm4chee_network --name mariadb \
               --log-driver gelf \
               --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-host>:12201 \
               --log-opt tag=mariadb \
               -p 3306:3306 \
               -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret \
               -e MYSQL_DATABASE=keycloak \
               -e MYSQL_USER=keycloak \
               -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=keycloak \
               -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
               -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
               -v /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
               -d mariadb:10.11.4

    which differs from Run secured archive services and Elastic Stack on a single host by --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201 - you have to replace <elk-node> by the hostname of the Elastic Stack Node.

On the Archive Node

  1. Create an user-defined bridge network
    $ docker network create dcm4chee_default
  2. Start Keycloak Authentication Server on the Archive Node

    Launch a container providing preconfigured Keycloak Authentication Server into the created network, e.g:

    $ docker run --network=dcm4chee_default --name keycloak \
               --log-driver gelf \
               --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201 \
               --log-opt tag=keycloak \
               -p 8843:8843 \
               -e KC_HTTPS_PORT=8843 \
               -e KC_HOSTNAME=https://<arc-node>:8843 \
               -e KC_HOSTNAME_BACKCHANNEL_DYNAMIC=true \
               -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin \
               -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=changeit \
               -e KC_DB=mariadb \
               -e KC_DB_URL_DATABASE=keycloak \
               -e KC_DB_URL_HOST=<db-node> \
               -e KC_DB_USERNAME=keycloak \
               -e KC_DB_PASSWORD=keycloak \
               -e KC_LOG=file,gelf \
               -e KC_LOG_GELF_HOST=<elk-node> \
               -e ARCHIVE_HOST=<arc-node> \
               -e KIBANA_CLIENT_ID=kibana \
               -e KIBANA_CLIENT_SECRET=<kibana-client-secret> \
               -e KIBANA_REDIRECT_URL=https://<arc-node>:8643/oauth2/callback/* \
               -e KEYCLOAK_WAIT_FOR=<db-node>:389 <db-node>:3306 <elk-node>:8514 \
               -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
               -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
               -v /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/keycloak:/opt/keycloak/data \
               -d dcm4che/keycloak:25.0.5

    which differs from Run secured archive services and Elastic Stack on a single host by

    • --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201
    • -e KC_HOSTNAME=https://<arc-node>:8843
    • -e KC_DB_URL_HOST=<db-node>
    • -e KC_LOG=file,gelf
    • -e KC_LOG_GELF_HOST=<elk-node>
    • -e ARCHIVE_HOST=<arc-node>
    • -e LOGSTASH_HOST=<elk-node>
    • -e KIBANA_REDIRECT_URL=https://<arc-node>:8643/oauth2/callback/*
    • -e KEYCLOAK_WAIT_FOR='<db-node>:389 <db-node>:3306 <elk-node>:8514' (you have to replace <arc-node>, <db-node> and <elk-node> by the hostnames of the Archive, Database and Elastic Stack node).
  3. Start Wildfly with deployed dcm4che Archive 5 application

    Launch a container providing Wildfly with deployed dcm4che Archive 5 application into the created network, e.g:

    $ docker run --network=dcm4chee_default --name arc \
               --log-driver gelf \
               --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201 \
               --log-opt tag=dcm4chee-arc \
               -p 8080:8080 \
               -p 8443:8443 \
               -p 9990:9990 \
               -p 9993:9993 \
               -p 2762:2762 \
               -p 2575:2575 \
               -p 12575:12575 \
               -p 11112:11112 \
               -e LOGSTASH_HOST=<elk-node> \
               -e POSTGRES_DB=pacsdb \
               -e POSTGRES_USER=pacs \
               -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pacs \
               -e AUTH_SERVER_URL=https://<arc-node>:8843 \
               -e UI_AUTH_SERVER_URL=https://<arc-node>:8843 \
               -e WILDFLY_WAIT_FOR="<db-node>:389 <db-node>:5432 <arc-node>:8843 <elk-node>:8514" \
               -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
               -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
               -v /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/wildfly:/opt/wildfly/standalone \
               -d dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-psql:5.33.0-secure

    which differs from Run secured archive services and Elastic Stack on a single host by

    • --log-opt gelf-address=udp://<elk-node>:12201
    • -e LOGSTASH_HOST=<elk-node>
    • -e AUTH_SERVER_URL=https://<arc-node>:8843
    • -e UI_AUTH_SERVER_URL=https://<arc-node>:8843
    • -e WILDFLY_WAIT_FOR="<db-node>:389 <db-node>:5432 <arc-node>:8843 <elk-node>:8514" (you have to replace <arc-node>, <db-node> and <elk-node> by the hostnames of the Archive, Database and Elastic Stack node).
  4. Verify OIDC client for Archive UI in Keycloak

    Sign in with User/Password root/changeit at the Realm Admin Console of Keycloak at https://<arc-node>:8843/admin/dcm4che/console - you have to replace <arc-node> by the hostname of the Archive Node. If you changed the default realm name: dcm4che by environment variable REALM_NAME for the Keycloak and the Archive Container, you also have to replace dcm4che by the that value in the URL.

    Keycloak docker image dcm4che/keycloak:19.0.1 and newer creates an OIDC client for the Archive UI on first startup, customizable by environment variables UI_CLIENT_ID, ARCHIVE_HOST, ARCHIVE_HTTP_PORT and ARCHIVE_HTTPS_PORT:

  5. Verify OIDC client for Wildfly Administration Console in Keycloak

    Access to the Wildfly Administration Console is also protected with Keycloak.

    Keycloak docker image dcm4che/keycloak:19.0.1 and newer creates also another OIDC client for the Wildfly Administration Console on first startup, customizable by environment variables WILDFLY_CONSOLE, ARCHIVE_HOST and ARCHIVE_MANAGEMENT_HTTPS_PORT:

    Only users with role ADMINISTRATOR are permitted to access the WildFly Administration Console.

    Sign out, before verifying that accessing the WildFly Administration Console at http://<arc-node>:9990 or https://<arc-node>:9993 will redirect you to the Login page of Keycloak. You may sign in with User/Password root/changeit.

  6. Verify OIDC client for OAuth2-Proxy securing Kibana in Keycloak

    Sign in with User/Password root/changeit at the Realm Admin Console of Keycloak at https://<docker-host>:8843/admin/dcm4che/console - you have to replace <docker-host> by the hostname of the docker host. If you changed the default realm name: dcm4che by environment variable REALM_NAME for the Keycloak, the Keycloak Proxy and the Archive Container, you also have to replace dcm4che by the that value in the URL.

    Keycloak docker image dcm4che/keycloak:19.0.1 and newer creates an OIDC client for OAuth2-Proxy for securing Kibana on first startup, customizable by environment variables KIBANA_CLIENT_ID, KIBANA_CLIENT_SECRET and KIBANA_REDIRECT_URL:

    with Audience Token Mapper audience:

    and Client Credential changeit:

    which you can/should Regenerate Secret and copy the new value for passing it as environment variable OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET to OAuth2 Proxy container in the next step.

  7. Start OAuth2 Proxy securing Kibana

    Oauth2-proxy can be configured via command line options, environment variables or config file (in decreasing order of precedence, i.e. command line options will overwrite environment variables and environment variables will overwrite configuration file settings).

    Launch a container providing OAuth2 Proxy securing Kibana into the created network, e.g:

    $ docker run --network=dcm4chee_default --name oauth2-proxy \
               -p 8643:8643 \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_HTTPS_ADDRESS= \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_PROVIDER=keycloak-oidc \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_PROVIDER_BUTTON="true" \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_UPSTREAMS=http://<elk-node>:5601 \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL=https://<arc-node>:8843/realms/dcm4che \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIRECT_URL=https://<arc-node>:8643/oauth2/callback \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_ALLOWED_ROLES=auditlog \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID=kibana \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET=<kibana-client-secret> \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_EMAIL_DOMAINS="*" \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_EMAIL_CLAIM="preferred_username" \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET=T0F1dGhLaWJhbmFUZXN0cw== \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_SSL_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY="true" \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_CERT_FILE=/etc/certs/cert.pem \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_KEY_FILE=/etc/certs/key.pem \
               -e OAUTH2_PROXY_CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR=/templates \
               -d dcm4che/oauth2-proxy:7.6.1 \

    which differs from Run secured archive services and Elastic Stack on a single host by

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_UPSTREAMS=http://<elk-node>:5601
    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL=https://<arc-node>:8843/realms/dcm4che
    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIRECT_URL=https://<arc-node>:8643/oauth2/callback

Note :

  • OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL: "https://<docker-host>:8843/realms/dcm4che" applies only for Keycloak v18.0+ and if default KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH is used.

  • If lower versions of Keycloak are used or if KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH is set to /auth for Keycloak v18.0+, then OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL: "https://<docker-host>:8843/auth/realms/dcm4che"

    • -p 8643:8643 - publishes the https (8643) port of the OAuth2-Proxy from the container to the host to enable connections from external https clients to the OAuth2-Proxy, which have to match with

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_HTTPS_ADDRESS= - the port to be listening, and with the port of

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_PROVIDER=kibana-oidc - specifies the OAuth provider.

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_PROVIDER_BUTTON is optional. If set to true, it will skip sign-in-page specifying Sign-on with Keycloak and directly show the Keycloak login page.

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_UPSTREAMS=http://<elk-node>:5601 - specifies Kibana https URL as upstream endpoint

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL=https://<arc-node>:8843/realms/dcm4che - specifies OpenID Connect issuer URL, wherein (8843) port refers KC_HTTPS_PORT used on Keycloak container startup

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIRECT_URL=https://<arc-node>:8643/oauth2/callback - the redirection URL for the Keycloak Authentication Server callback URL - you have to replace <arc-node> by the hostname of the Archive Node, which must be resolvable by your DNS server.

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_ALLOWED_ROLES=auditlog - (keycloak-oidc) restrict logins to members of these roles (may be given multiple times)

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID=kibana - specifies the Client ID used to authenticate to the Keycloak Server,

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET=<kibana-client-secret> - specifies the Client Secret used to authenticate to the Keycloak Authentication Server for Confidential type kibana client. The value should match with that used during keycloak container startup.

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_EMAIL_DOMAINS="*" as * specifies to authenticate any email.

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_EMAIL_CLAIM="preferred_username" which OIDC claim contains the user's email (default "email")

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_INSECURE_OIDC_ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_EMAIL="true" specifies to not fail if an email address in an id_token is not verified

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET=T0F1dGhLaWJhbmFUZXN0cw== - specifies the seed string for secure cookies (optionally base64 encoded)

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_SSL_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY=true as true skips validation of certificates presented when using HTTPS

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR specifies the custom templates' directory location which contains the customized forbidden error page shown to unauthorized users on authentication. Note : OAuth2 proxy does not yet have a mechanism to only customize one of the templates (i.e. sign_in or error). Hence, if one wants to customize only one, both templates need to be still provided.

    • -e OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_CERT_FILE and OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_KEY_FILE specifies path to TLS certificate and private key in Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format to use for TLS support. To avoid the security warning of Web Browsers connecting to Kibana via OAuth2 Proxy, replace the certificate provided in /etc/certs/cert.pem of the docker image:

      by a certificate whose Common Name and/or Subject Alt Name matches the host name and which is signed by a trusted issuer; bind mount the PEM files with the certificate and corresponding private key and adjust OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_CERT_FILE and OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_KEY_FILE to refer their paths inside of the container.

    $ docker run --rm dcm4che/oauth2-proxy:7.6.1 help

    will show all available environment variables and command options. See also OAuth2 Proxy as well as Keycloak OIDC Auth Provider of Keycloak for more information about configuration options of OAuth2 Proxy.

Alternatively to Docker Command Line one may use Docker Compose to take care for starting all 8 containers:

On the Elastic Stack Node

  1. Specify the services in a configuration file docker-compose.yml (e.g.):
    version: "3"
        image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.15.1
          ES_JAVA_OPTS: -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
          discovery.type: single-node
          xpack.security.enabled: "false"
          driver: json-file
            max-size: "10m"
          - "9200:9200"
          - "9300:9300"
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/esdatadir:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
        image: docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:8.15.1
          driver: json-file
            max-size: "10m"
          - elasticsearch
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
        image: dcm4che/logstash-dcm4chee:8.15.1-17
          driver: json-file
            max-size: "10m"
          - "12201:12201/udp"
          - "8514:8514/udp"
          - "8514:8514"
          - elasticsearch
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/logstash/filter-hashtree:/usr/share/logstash/data/filter-hashtree
  2. Create and start the 3 containers by invoking
    $ docker-compose -p dcm4chee up -d
    Creating network "dcm4chee_default" with the default driver
    Creating dcm4chee_elasticsearch_1 ... done
    Creating dcm4chee_logstash_1 ... done
    Creating dcm4chee_kibana_1 ... done

    in the directory containing docker-compose.yml.

On the Database Node

  1. Specify the services in a configuration file docker-compose.yml:
    version: "3"
        image: dcm4che/slapd-dcm4chee:2.6.7-33.0
          driver: gelf
            gelf-address: "udp://<elk-node>:12201"
            tag: slapd
          - "389:389"
          SYSLOG_HOST: <elk-node>
          SYSLOG_PORT: 8514
          STORAGE_DIR: /storage/fs1
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/ldap:/var/lib/openldap/openldap-data
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/slapd.d:/etc/openldap/slapd.d
        image: dcm4che/postgres-dcm4chee:16.4-33
          driver: gelf
            gelf-address: "udp://<elk-node>:12201"
            tag: postgres
          - "5432:5432"
          POSTGRES_DB: pacsdb
          POSTGRES_USER: pacs
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: pacs
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        image: mariadb:10.11.4
          driver: gelf
            gelf-address: "udp://<elk-node>:12201"
            tag: mariadb
          - "3306:3306"
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: secret
          MYSQL_DATABASE: keycloak
          MYSQL_USER: keycloak
          MYSQL_PASSWORD: keycloak
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/mysql:/var/lib/mysql

    You have to replace <elk-node> by the hostname of theElastic Stack node.

  2. Create and start the 3 containers by invoking
    $ docker-compose -p dcm4chee up -d
    Creating dcm4chee_ldap_1          ... done
    Creating dcm4chee_db_1            ... done
    Creating dcm4chee_mariadb_1       ... done

    in the directory containing docker-compose.yml.

On the Archive Node

  1. Specify the services in a configuration file docker-compose.yml (e.g.):
    version: "3"
        image: dcm4che/keycloak:25.0.5
          driver: gelf
            gelf-address: "udp://<elk-node>:12201"
            tag: keycloak
          - "8843:8843"
          KC_HTTPS_PORT: 8843
          KC_HOSTNAME: https://<arc-node>:8843
          KEYCLOAK_ADMIN: admin
          KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD: changeit
          KC_DB: mariadb
          KC_DB_URL_DATABASE: keycloak
          KC_DB_URL_HOST: <db-node>
          KC_DB_USERNAME: keycloak
          KC_DB_PASSWORD: keycloak
          KC_LOG: file,gelf
          KC_LOG_GELF_HOST: logstash
          ARCHIVE_HOST: <arc-node>
          KIBANA_CLIENT_ID: kibana
          KIBANA_CLIENT_SECRET: <kibana-client-secret>
          KIBANA_REDIRECT_URL: https://<arc-node>:8643/oauth2/callback/*
          KEYCLOAK_WAIT_FOR: <db-node>:389 <db-node>:3306 <elk-node>:8514
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/keycloak:/opt/keycloak/data
        image: dcm4che/oauth2-proxy:7.6.1
          - "8643:8643"
          OAUTH2_PROXY_PROVIDER: keycloak-oidc
          OAUTH2_PROXY_UPSTREAMS: "http://<elk-node>:5601"
          OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL: "https://<arc-node>:8843/realms/dcm4che"
          OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIRECT_URL: "https://<arc-node>:8643/oauth2/callback"
          OAUTH2_PROXY_ALLOWED_ROLES: auditlog
          OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID: kibana
          OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET: changeit
          OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_CERT_FILE: /etc/certs/cert.pem
          OAUTH2_PROXY_TLS_KEY_FILE: /etc/certs/key.pem
        image: dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-psql:5.33.0-secure
          driver: gelf
            gelf-address: "udp://<elk-node>:12201"
            tag: dcm4chee-arc
          - "8080:8080"
          - "8443:8443"
          - "9990:9990"
          - "9993:9993"
          - "11112:11112"
          - "2762:2762"
          - "2575:2575"
          - "12575:12575"
          LOGSTASH_HOST: logstash
          POSTGRES_DB: pacsdb
          POSTGRES_USER: pacs
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: pacs
          AUTH_SERVER_URL: https://keycloak:8843
          UI_AUTH_SERVER_URL: https://<arc-host>:8843
          WILDFLY_CHOWN: /storage
          WILDFLY_WAIT_FOR: <db-node>:389 <db-node>:5432 <elk-node>:8514
          - keycloak
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/wildfly:/opt/wildfly/standalone
          - /var/local/dcm4chee-arc/storage:/storage
    You have to replace <arc-node>, <db-node> and <elk-node> by the hostnames of the Archive, Database and Elastic Stack node.

Note :

  • OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL: "https://<docker-host>:8843/realms/dcm4che" applies only for Keycloak v18.0+ and if default KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH is used.
  • If lower versions of Keycloak are used or if KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH is set to /auth for Keycloak v18.0+, then OAUTH2_PROXY_OIDC_ISSUER_URL: "https://<docker-host>:8843/auth/realms/dcm4che"
  1. Create and start the 2 containers by invoking
    $ docker-compose -p dcm4chee up -d
    Creating network "dcm4chee_default" with the default driver
    Creating dcm4chee_keycloak_1 ... done
    Creating dcm4chee_arc_1 ... done
    Creating dcm4chee_oauth2-proxy_1 ... done

    in the directory containing docker-compose.yml.

  2. Verify OIDC client for Archive UI in Keycloak as described above.
  3. Verify OIDC client for Wildfly Administration Console in Keycloak as described above.
  4. Verify OIDC client for OAuth2 Proxy in Keycloak as described above.
  5. (Conditional) Recreate and start the container running OAuth2 Proxy with adjusted Client Secret

    If you configured the OIDC client for OAuth2 Proxy with Access Type: confidential, you have to adjust the value for the environment variable OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET of the oauth2-proxy service in docker-compose.yml to match with the actual value from the Credentials tab for the OIDC client in the Realm Admin Console of Keycloak and recreate and restart the OAuth2 Proxy container by invoking

    $ docker-compose -p dcm4chee up -d
    dcm4chee_keycloak_1 is up-to-date
    dcm4chee_arc_1 is up-to-date
    Recreating dcm4chee_oauth2-proxy_1 ... 
    Recreating dcm4chee_oauth2-proxy_1 ... done

    in the directory containing docker-compose.yml.

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