Different languages for Archive UI - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


This page briefly describes how one can internationalize archive UI in a language other than English. The whole text content of archive UI is broadly divided in two parts :

  • Text for UI different components and pages
  • Various Configurations schemas in the archive

Currently, the archive UI can be configured in a different language only for the secured version of archive. Supporting it for the unsecured version of archive is not implemented yet.

Apart from the language specific changes that you do in dcm4chee-arc-lang, you still have to open an issue in dcm4chee-arc-light to support your language code in UI's list of languages.

Supported Languages

Language Locale
English (default) en
Spanish es
Chinese zh
German de
Hindi hi
Italian it
Japanese ja
Marathi mr
Russian ru

Steps to add new language for archive UI

To use archive UI using one of the Supported Languages, build and configure the archive using following steps :

  • Start secured version of archive (secured UI OR secured UI + secured REST). Refer Run secured archive services on a single host

  • Login with root user credentials, alternatively with a user having root role.

  • Configure one or more non-English languages in your UI configuration by adding a language configuration, as shown below

  • Add a single non-English language, together with English

    Or multiple non-English languages, together with English

  • Switch to your desired non-English language from top right.

Language not available in Supported Languages

To use archive UI using a language not part of Supported Languages, provide translations for

  • Text for UI different components and pages
  • Various Configurations schemas in the archive

as described below.

UI Components' specific resources

UI Components' specific resources are present as a key/value map in JSON format used by the UI for labeling UI components.

  • Copy / clone English version of UI specific texts using en.json on your local machine and rename it to code specific to your locale. For eg. to create a file for Portuguese rename the cloned file to pt.json. Refer ISO 639-1 two letter codes of languages.
  • In the translations section in the file, translate the text on the right-hand side of : representing values.
  • Do not change the texts on the left-hand side of :. These are the keys used by the UI code.

Archive Configuration Schemas

Archive configuration schemas are various JSON Schema files, specifying the name, type, description, default value of configuration attributes of various configuration entities of the archive.

  • Copy / clone English version of configuration schemas, either using
  • If you have cloned properties files, provide translations for title and description separated by |. These are present after the keys and are separated from keys by : eg. In archiveAttributeCoercion.properties, translate
    • Name


    • Arbitrary/Meaningful name of the Archive Attribute Coercion

      in archiveAttributeCoercion.cn:Name|Arbitrary/Meaningful name of the Archive Attribute Coercion

  • If you have cloned json files, provide translations only for title and description eg. In archiveAttributeCoercion.schema.json, translate
    • Name


    • Arbitrary/Meaningful name of the Archive Attribute Coercion


      "cn": {
        "title": "Name",
        "description": "Arbitrary/Meaningful name of the Archive Attribute Coercion",
        "type": "string"

Supporting new language in UI languages' list

  • Once you have prepared the UI components specific texts in your locale json file and properties / json configuration schemas, create an issue / pull request in Archive UI's language project - dcm4chee-arc-lang to enable supporting the new language.
  • The project developers will then provide you with access to directly push your language files in the aforementioned repository.
    • Push your language locale specific file eg. pt.json (for Portuguese) in the locale specific folder
    • For your language specific configuration schemas, create your locale code specific folder eg. pt (for Portuguese) in the schema folder and add all the translated configuration schemas in here.
  • The project developers shall also add support for the new language locale code by adding it in the UI languages' list.
  • With subsequent next released version of archive, you can start using your language for the UI by following steps mentioned in Available Supported Languages


Resources for providing different languages for the Web UI of dcm4chee-arc-light

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