Deletion of Rejected Instances - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


This page explains how one can configure a scheduler to delete rejected instances (seen in IOCM_EXPIRED view) permanently. The instances may have been rejected by user over UI or Study Retention Policy trigger.


Using Archive UI

  1. Go to Menu->Configuration, then on Devices page, Edit the dcm4chee-arc device. Edit Extension of Device Extension, then Edit Extension of Archive Device.
  2. Configure value for Delete Rejected Polling Interval as needed and Save.
  3. Next got to Child Objects and select one or more Rejection Note for which you want this feature to be enabled. In the attributes, configure value for Delete Rejected Instance Delay as needed. You may choose to also configure value for Delete Rejected Note Delay if you want to auto-delete the rejection note(s) as well. Save the configuration.

Using LDAP

One may either

  • create a LDIF file (e.g.):

      version: 1
      dn: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectedPollingInterval
      dcmDeleteRejectedPollingInterval: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Retention Expired,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Retention Expired,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Quality,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Quality,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Patient Safety,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Patient Safety,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Incorrect MWL Entry,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectedInstanceDelay: PT1M
      dn: dcmRejectionNoteLabel=Incorrect MWL Entry,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: add
      add: dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay
      dcmDeleteRejectionNoteDelay: PT1M

    and import it to the LDAP Server by using the ldapmodify command line utility.

  • or use the Add Attribute... and Add Value... function of Apache Directory Studio to add attributes on Application Entity Level (e.g: dicomAETitle=DCM4CHEE) in the Archive Configuration.

Note : Above configuration only deletes the records from database. To actually delete the object(s) located on filesystem, Purge Storage Polling Interval (or dcmPurgeStoragePollingInterval, if using LDAP) should be configured on archive device level.

One may refer to Archive Device and RejectionNote to understand the description of attributes.

Go to the Control tab on Configuration page in archive UI and reload the configuration.

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