Accessing external archive Web Services over a proxy - dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light GitHub Wiki


If external archive neither supports CORS preflight requests nor certain DICOM Web Services, then it is recommended to access the services on external archive over a proxy (i.e. using DICOM C-FIND in the background).


  • Configure a Proxy Upstream URL on dcm4chee-arc device for accessing WADO-URI request of external archive. (Configuration page -> Devices tab -> dcm4chee-arc -> Device Extension -> Archive Device Extension -> Attributes -> Proxy Upstream URL). Set the value to the absolute URL of WADO-URI service of the external archive. (For eg. http://test-ng:8080/dcm4chee-arc/aets/TEST/wado)

  • Configure a Remote Application Entity for the external archive capable of responding to C-FIND and WADO-URI requests.

  • If you are using dockerized secure version of archive and if you want to choose a role different than user for proxy services, then on archive container startup, set environment variable PROXY_USER_ROLE with a value as required.

Proxy for QIDO

  • Create a web application on the external archive, which shall act as a Proxy for QIDO requests. Configuration page -> Devices tab -> <your-external-archive-device> -> Device Extension -> Child Objects -> Web Application -> Add new Web Application. Specify
    • Web Application name
    • Web Service Path : /dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/dimse/EXT_AET (Replace DCM4CHEE and EXT_AET by AE of your internal (if renamed) and external archive respectively)
    • Web Service Classes : QIDO_RS and QIDO_COUNT.
    • AE Title : EXT_AET (Replace EXT_AET by AE of your external archive) and Save.

Proxy for WADO-URI

  • Create a web application on the external archive, which shall act as a Proxy for WADO-URI requests. Configuration page -> Devices tab -> <your-external-archive-device> -> Device Extension -> Child Objects -> Web Application -> Add new Web Application. Specify
    • Web Application name
    • Web Service Path : /dcm4chee-proxy
    • Web Service Classes : WADO_URI.
    • AE Title : EXT_AET (Replace EXT_AET by AE of your external archive) and Save.


  • On Navigation page -> Studies tab, select the web application configured for QIDO Proxy to see the list of studies from the external archive.
  • Go upto instance level to view any object.
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