Manage Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Framework projects on Photon OS - dcasota/photonos-scripts GitHub Wiki

Collaboration with internal and external teams is a key factor. Utilizing Microsoft 365 promises collaboration flexibility.

In this wiki, VMware Photon OS is combined with open source cmdline tools for managing Microsoft 365 and Sharepoint Framework projects. The modules used are MS Powershell pnp.powershell and Nodejs cli-microsoft365.



  • a Photon OS 4.0 bare metal or virtual machine


  • Configure Photon OS environment to allow a specific communication port eg. port 80.

  • Dockerfile

  • run

    sudo docker run -p 80:80/tcp -it $(sudo docker build -q .)

Known issues

  • Installing the bits with tdnf install cli-microsoft365 would be super easy.
  • ttyd shows up with ttyd 1.6.3-2b4dbac (libwebsockets 4.2.1-unknown), it would be helpful to avoid libwebsockets culprits. There seems no package libwebsockets?
  • the webconsole created with ttyd+tini doesn't seem to allow bash history. The output just is "OA" (up) and not the last bash command. Any idea how to fix this on Photon?
  • Securing the docker container with a non-root user fails (permission denied) when creating the file ~/.bash_profile. I couldn't figure out why. The dockerfile had two additional entries
    RUN useradd --system cli-microsoft365-on-photon
    USER cli-microsoft365-on-photon

with a workdir specified as /home/cli-microsoft365-on-photon.

  • Sharegate cmdlets do not work on Linux as they need Windows assemblies of the .NET framework.

Here some screenshots of a web browser window with the powershell console

Connect to the powershell web console


Login with m365 login


Create a Sharepoint Team Site


Azure Active Directory User administration

CLI for Microsoft 365 supports actually a few user administration tasks.

m365 aad user --help

CLI for Microsoft 365 v5.2.0
Manage Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Framework projects on any platform


  aad user get [options]   Gets information about the specified user
  aad user hibp [options]  Allows you to retrieve all accounts that have been pwned with the specified username
  aad user list [options]  Lists users matching specified criteria
  aad user set [options]   Updates information about the specified user

Commands groups:

  aad user password *  1 command
  aad user signin *    1 command

Create an aad user

Creating an AAD user per CLI-Microsoft365 isn't built-in available as m365 aad user create command, however it can be accomplished using Microsoft Graph. Here an example.

install-module Microsoft.Graph.Users


Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"

$params = @{
	AccountEnabled = $true
	DisplayName = "first name last name"
	MailNickname = "firstlast"
	UserPrincipalName = "first.last''''@$($tenant)"
	PasswordProfile = @{
		ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = $true
		Password = "VMware1!"

New-MgUser -BodyParameter $params

Id                                   DisplayName          Mail UserPrincipalName                                          UserType
--                                   -----------          ---- -----------------                                          --------
2e7db79e-b156-4a9a-a0ee-974c3be8314b first name last name      first.last''''

An AAD user creation task requires readwrite access and has to been specified as scope parameter value in Connect-MgGraph. The Microsoft Graph New-MgUser command requires a param Bodyparameter. In the example above a user with UserPrincipalName first.last'''' has been specified. The created user hasn't any license assigned but it is fully functioning for basic Microsoft 365 collaboration activities.

List aad users

filter functionality and listing user properties is already implemented.

m365 aad user list

    "userPrincipalName": "first.last''''",
    "displayName": "first name last name"

life-cycle onprem MS sharepoint sites to Sharepoint Online

There are some solutions on the market, most focussing on migration projects.

  • Sharegate Desktop
  • Kernel Migrator for Sharepoint
  • Fly Migration tool from Avepoint
  • Quest Migration Solution
  • Dockit Migrator from Vyapin software

Research web links