7.1 Start Teams as‐a‐code configuration ‐ policies - dcasota/m365-scripts GitHub Wiki
Create and assign a Teams messaging policy
In https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/guided-project-create-assign-teams-policies.introduction/ you get a step-by-step guide for how to manage messaging policies. The beginning of the step-by-step guide works flawlessly.
Create a static security group.
Add members.
Create a messaging policy "GIFs disabled".
Assign to group.
Create and assign a Teams meeting policy
In the next exercise of the guided project, the goal is to create a teams meeting policy, however the powershell cmdlet suggested would grant a messaging policy.
The correct powershell cmdlet is grant-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy
, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/who-can-bypass-meeting-lobby#set-meeting-policies-by-using-powershell.
To check the policy settings, you can use the get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy
get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity "No Lobby and no remote control" | select-Object {$_.AutoAdmittedUsers}
To check the security group id, the Microsoft module named Az has to be installed.
PS C:\Users\dcaso> connect-azaccount
Account SubscriptionName TenantId Environment
------- ---------------- -------- -----------
[email protected] xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx AzureCloud
PS C:\Users\dcaso> get-azadgroup
DisplayName Id MailNickname Descripti
----------- -- ------------ ---------
Mark 8 Project Team xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Mark8ProjectTeam Welcom...
TeamsRoomsAccounts_dynamic xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 0aa56c14-e Colle...
Digital Initiative Public Relations xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx DigitalInitiativePublicRelations Descri...
MSFT xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx MSFT MSFT
tax specialists xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 tax sp...
U.S. Sales xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx U.S.Sales Descri...
Sales and Marketing xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx SalesandMarketing Descri...
Retail xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Retail Descri...
Sample Team Site xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx SampleTeamSite Sample...
With Get-CsGroupPolicyAssignment
you can check the Group Policy Assignment.
PS C:\Users\dcaso> Get-CsGroupPolicyAssignment -PolicyType TeamsMeetingPolicy | where-object {$_.GroupId -eq (get-azadgroup | where-object {$_.DisplayName -eq "tax specialists"}).Id }
GroupId PolicyType PolicyName Rank CreatedTime CreatedBy
------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----------- ---------
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx TeamsMeetingPolicy No Lobby and no remote control 1 17.09.2023 14:37:14 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x...
Prepare meeting room experiences
In https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/guided-project-prepare-meeting-room-experiences/6-exercise-configure-mailbox-properties the powershell cmdlet get-calendarprocessing is used. Despite of the module mentioned in Microsoft's literature, it is NOT named ExchangePowershell from the powershellgallery. The Microsoft module to be installed is named ExchangeOnlineManagement. Install the module and - very important - connect to Exchange Online. With a successfully login, additional cmdlets are installed.
PS C:\Users\dcaso> install-module ExchangeOnlineManagement
PS C:\Users\dcaso> connect-exchangeonline
This V3 EXO PowerShell module contains new REST API backed Exchange Online cmdlets which doesn't require WinRM for Client-Server communication. You can now run these cmdlets after turning off WinRM Basic Auth in your client machine thus making it more secure.
Unlike the EXO* prefixed cmdlets, the cmdlets in this module support full functional parity with the RPS (V1) cmdlets.
V3 cmdlets in the downloaded module are resilient to transient failures, handling retries and throttling errors inherently.
REST backed EOP and SCC cmdlets are also available in the V3 module. Similar to EXO, the cmdlets can be run without WinRM basic auth enabled.
For more information check https://aka.ms/exov3-module
PS C:\Users\dcaso> get-module
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Script 3.3.0 ExchangeOnlineManagement {Add-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy, Get-ConnectionInformation, G...
Manifest Microsoft.PowerShell.Management {Add-Computer, Add-Content, Checkpoint-Computer, Clear-Con...
Manifest Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility {Add-Member, Add-Type, Clear-Variable, Compare-Object...}
Binary PackageManagement {Find-Package, Find-PackageProvider, Get-Package, Get-Pack...
Script PowerShellGet {Find-Command, Find-DscResource, Find-Module, Find-RoleCap...
Script 2.0.0 PSReadLine {Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineOption, Remove-PS...
Script 1.0 tmpEXO_zmfnjmox.z5s {Add-AvailabilityAddressSpace, Add-DistributionGroupMember...
The additional cmdlets installed are inside the tmpEXO...-module and the module contains e.g. get-calendarprocessing.
The exercise example https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/guided-project-prepare-meeting-room-experiences/6-exercise-configure-mailbox-properties works now flawlessly.
PS C:\Users\dcaso> Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity "[email protected]" | Format-List
AutomateProcessing : AutoAccept
AllowConflicts : False
AllowDistributionGroup : True
AllowMultipleResources : True
BookingType : Standard
BookingWindowInDays : 180
MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440
MinimumDurationInMinutes : 0
AllowRecurringMeetings : True
EnforceAdjacencyAsOverlap : False
EnforceCapacity : False
EnforceSchedulingHorizon : True
ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : False
ConflictPercentageAllowed : 0
MaximumConflictInstances : 0
ForwardRequestsToDelegates : True
DeleteAttachments : True
DeleteComments : True
RemovePrivateProperty : True
DeleteSubject : True
AddOrganizerToSubject : True
DeleteNonCalendarItems : True
TentativePendingApproval : True
EnableResponseDetails : True
OrganizerInfo : True
ResourceDelegates : {}
RequestOutOfPolicy : {}
AllRequestOutOfPolicy : False
BookInPolicy : {}
AllBookInPolicy : True
RequestInPolicy : {}
AllRequestInPolicy : False
AddAdditionalResponse : False
AdditionalResponse :
RemoveOldMeetingMessages : True
AddNewRequestsTentatively : True
ProcessExternalMeetingMessages : False
RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : False
AutoRSVPConfiguration : Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.AutoRSVPConfiguration
RemoveCanceledMeetings : False
EnableAutoRelease : False
PostReservationMaxClaimTimeInMinutes : 10
MailboxOwnerId : MTR-US-Seattle 24 3 35
Identity : MTR-US-Seattle 24 3 35
IsValid : True
ObjectState : Changed
Powershell modules
Here the most frequently used powershell modules.
- Az
- MicrosoftTeams
- ExchangeOnlineManagement
- pnp.Powershell
- all Microsoft.Graph.* modules see https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/graph/api/team-post?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=powershell
PS C:\Users\dcaso> find-module Microsoft.Graph.*
Version Name Repository Description
------- ---- ---------- -----------
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Authentication PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Authentication Module.
6.1907.1.0 Microsoft.Graph.Intune PSGallery PowerShell SDK for Microsoft Intune Graph API
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Groups PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Teams PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Users PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Planner PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Directo... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Applications PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Devices.Corporat... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Sites PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.People PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Mail PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Security PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Bookings PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Notes PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.CrossDeviceExper... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.SchemaExtensions PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Files PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Education PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Users.Functions PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.CloudCommunications PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.PersonalContacts PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Reports PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Compliance PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Calendar PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.DirectoryObjects PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Search PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.ChangeNotifications PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Devices.CloudPrint PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
1.28.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Devices.ServiceA... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
1.28.0 Microsoft.Graph.Financials PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.SchemaExten... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Notes PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Compliance PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.CrossDevice... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Pa... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
1.5.4 Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus PSGallery Module to work the Microsoft Graph API using bot...
1.0.0 Microsoft.Graph.Migration.Tool PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Migration Advisor Module
1.28.0 Microsoft.Graph.WindowsUpdates PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
1.28.0 Microsoft.Graph.ManagedTenants PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Partner PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Di... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Cor... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Go... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Si... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Teams PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DirectoryOb... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Groups PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Reports PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Ser... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell module
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Financials PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users.Funct... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Sites PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Bookings PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Education PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Clo... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Planner PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.ManagedTenants PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Calendar PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Search PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.CloudCommun... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.ChangeNotif... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Mail PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Files PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.People PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users.Actions PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.PersonalCon... PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.WindowsUpdates PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
2.6.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Security PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets