Weekly Efforts - dberkerdem/SWE573_Term_Project GitHub Wiki

This page contains Weekly Efforts of the author.

Week Assignment Duration
1 Study git as a version management system. 1h
1 Examine Wikidata. 2h
1 Document what you have learned by creating a research section of your GitHub repository. 1h
2 Create User Scenarios for the App. 1h
2 Create a list of Requirements for the App. 1h
2 Create a list of Elicitation questions for the App. 1h
3 Create a high level contextual mockups. 1h
4 Learn about Django framework. 6h
4 Creating sign-up, sign-in and log-out features for web app. 3h
4 Improvements on Mockups. 1h
4 Improvements on requirements. 1h
4 Improvements on Wiki page. 1h
5 Conversion of frontend to bootstrap. 5h
6 No work :( 0h
7 No work :( 0h
8 Backend and frontend updates on signin and login page . 7h
8 Dockerization completed 5fe76ac. 2h
8 Settings page is created 9924172. 5h
8 Profile page and posting mechanism is created 9924172. 5h
9 Modularity is increased ff02c8c. 6h
9 Docker-compose updates for deployment d7aa4c1. 3h
9 Deployment to AWS . 4h
9 Unit tests are added d1a45f9 3h
10 No Effort :( 0h
11 Follow/Unfollow Feature 03c1bf0 1h
11 Preview Post feature f9462fb 3h
11 Search feature for users bc65704 2h
11 Profile Page Updates 134585fi 1h
11 Implementation of Tags 2e84b57 3h
11 Implementation of Spaces 710ac59 3h
11 Creating Feed Page fd6f258 1h
11 Frontend Updates 0908440 1h
12 Final Delivarables 6h

Go to W1 Research

Go to W2 Assignments

Go to W3 Assignments