Super Mario 64 - dbc60/Render96Wiki GitHub Wiki
Our findings are still incomplete and a ongoing process.
If you wish to find new discoveries yourself, the CD's listed here may still have matches we didn't notice. Any releases in the Sozaijiten series after Volume 9 is unlikely to contain matches for Super Mario 64, but are likely to be used in other games made afterwards. Super Mario 64 began development in September, 1994, while all of the CD's found to have matches date back to around that same time with most originating from Japan, so there's potential in anything close to that time period or region.
These findings are unrelated to the gigaleaks and began on a mere Google search of "Texture CD 1994" translated to Japanese and a lot of luck.
Texture CD List
Render96 HD Texture Pack.
If you want to see an example of how we use these texture findings, check out theAudio CD List (Matches not listed currently, only CD's used)
Company | Hardware |
Korg | 01R/W |
Roland | JD-900 |
Roland | SC-88 |
Render96 Audio Spreadsheet
If you want to see an example on how these audio findings are being used check out theExtra Pages
Fast64 Guides
Guides for creating custom content in Super Mario 64.