Features List - davidjettt/Staybnb GitHub Wiki

  1. Spots

  2. Reviews

  3. Bookings

  4. Images (upload and delete from spots)

  5. Google Maps

  6. Spots Search

User Authentication

  • Users are able to sign up as a new user or login as an existing user by successfully submitting forms with proper information.
  • Errors will appear to the user from submission of a bad request.


  • Users without authentication will be allowed to view a list of spots and select a spot with more details, such as pricing and reviews.
  • Authenticated users will have access to create a new spot and update an existing one by correctly filling out a form. Bad requests will throw an error to the user for correction.
  • Logged in users will also have access to delete spots that they own.
  • Logged in users are able to view only the spots that they own.


  • Authenticated users will have access to create a review and update an existing one by submitting a form. Bad requests will throw an error to the user for correction.
  • Logged in users can also delete their reviews.
  • Logged in users can view all of their reviews on one page and can also update or delete them on that same page.


  • Authenticated users will be able to create a booking for a spot by selecting available dates on a calendar.
  • Authenticated users will be able to view their past and upcoming bookings.
  • Authenticated users will be able to update an upcoming booking.
  • Authenticated users will be able to only be able to delete a booking that hasn't taken place yet.


  • Authenticated users will be able to upload images from their computer.
  • Authenticated users will be able to delete images that have been uploaded.

Google Maps

  • Authenticated users will be able to enter the latitude and longitude when creating a spot. When a user goes to that spot's page, the user will be able to see the location of the spot on a map.