SETI_FRB_Spectrometer_(SERENDIP_VI) - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki

Starting the ROACH2's

Commands to be typed are shown after "$ " and the representative output is shown after it.

# Program the "frb1" ROACH2 with the s6 gateware design
$ adc16_init.rb --demux=4 --gain=2 frb1 s6_195_MHz
Connecting to frb1...
Programming frb1 with s6_195_MHz...
Design built for ROACH2 rev2 with 8 ADCs (ZDOK rev2)
Gateware supports demux modes (using demux by 4)
For demux by 4, will point all channels to input 2
Will set ADC register 0x31 to 0x0001
Will set ADC register 0x3a to 0x0404
Will set ADC register 0x3b to 0x0404
Resetting ADC, setting registers, power cycling ADC, and reprogramming FPGA...
ZDOK0 clock OK, ZDOK1 clock OK
Calibrating SERDES blocks...ABCDEFGH
SERDES calibration successful.
Selecting analog inputs...
Setting digital gain to 2...
Setting demux by 4 mode...

# Program the "frb2" ROACH2 with the s6 gateware design
$ adc16_init.rb --demux=4 --gain=2 frb2 s6_195_MHz
Connecting to frb2...
Programming frb2 with s6_195_MHz...
Design built for ROACH2 rev2 with 8 ADCs (ZDOK rev2)
Gateware supports demux modes (using demux by 4)
For demux by 4, will point all channels to input 2
Will set ADC register 0x31 to 0x0001
Will set ADC register 0x3a to 0x0404
Will set ADC register 0x3b to 0x0404
Resetting ADC, setting registers, power cycling ADC, and reprogramming FPGA...
ZDOK0 clock OK, ZDOK1 clock OK
Calibrating SERDES blocks...ABCDEFGH
SERDES calibration successful.
Selecting analog inputs...
Setting digital gain to 2...
Setting demux by 4 mode...

# Initialize the S6 registers in the now programmed frb1 and frb2 ROACH2s:
$ s6_init.rb --gain=300 --schan=0 --nchan=160 frb1 frb2
initializing frb1 with SIDs 0 to 3
initializing frb2 with SIDs 4 to 7
connecting to frb1
frb1 s6 app/lib revision 9d1b557/01ff4b5
connecting to frb2
frb2 s6 app/lib revision 9d1b557/01ff4b5
disabling network transmission
setting frb1 SIDs to 0..3
setting frb2 SIDs to 4..7
setting fftshift to 0
setting gain to 300/1
setting schan to 0
setting nchan to 160
setting 10 GbE destination IPs
configuring 10 GbE interfaces
arming sync generator(s)
storing sync time in redis on redishost
seeding noise generators
arming noise generator(s)
resetting 10 GbE network interfaces
enable 10 GbE transmission
all done

The adc16_init.rb command lines will change slightly as new versions of the gateware are built
(i.e. the "s6_195_MHz" name will change).  The s6_init.rb command lines shown are functionally
correct, but the actual values to use for "gain" and "schan" and "nchan" are TBD.

If you want to see the current status of the s6 gateware, you can use the s6_ifconfig.rb script
(which might get renamed at some point to s6_status.rb):

$ s6_ifconfig.rb frb2
    0 :
    1 :
    2 :
    3 :
    4 :
    5 :
    6 :
    7 :
frb2:eth0  MAC 02:02:0a:0a:0a:cc  IP
    Counter reset  : off
    10 GbE reset   : off
    Transmit enable: ON
    Transmit oflows: 0
    Receive oruns  : 0
    Receive bframes: 0
frb2:eth1  MAC 02:02:0a:0a:0a:cd  IP
    Counter reset  : off
    10 GbE reset   : off
    Transmit enable: ON
    Transmit oflows: 0
    Receive oruns  : 0
    Receive bframes: 0
frb2:eth2  MAC 02:02:0a:0a:0a:ce  IP
    Counter reset  : off
    10 GbE reset   : off
    Transmit enable: ON
    Transmit oflows: 0
    Receive oruns  : 0
    Receive bframes: 0
frb2:eth3  MAC 02:02:0a:0a:0a:cf  IP
    Counter reset  : off
    10 GbE reset   : off
    Transmit enable: off
    Transmit oflows: 0
    Receive oruns  : 0
    Receive bframes: 0

Programming the Valon Synthesizers

The valon box contains 2 synthesizers, 'A' and 'B'. The valon is connected to the s6 head node via USB, thus the following commands are issued on the head node.

To set the synthesizer A to, for example, 790MHz :

 $ valon -a 790  INFO:    Synth A set to 790.0  INFO:    Frequencies written to non-volatile memory  INFO:    All flags handled. Exiting successfully.

To see the frequency setting of both synthesizers:

 $ valon  Synth A: 790.0 MHz  Synth B: 896.0 MHz

Output File Format

Output files will follow the FITS standard along with any needed keyword additions. This format is dubbed ETFITS.

The header data units (HDUs) are arrayed as follows:

The primary header contains items that will remain constant throughout a given file. This includes things like receiver name, telescope location, and constants needed to resolve pointing coordinates.

At each integration (time slice) there will be an metadata header followed by a number of ETHITS HDUs.

The metadata header contains items that change throughout the file. This includes things like oscillator settings and other engineering data. The metadata header also includes items that normally do not (or should not) change during a file but for which we need to know when exactly a change does occur. This includes the system clock and birdie frequencies. The metadata headers differ considerably (and are named differently) between observatories (see the Arecibo and Green Bank templates below). The Arecibo metadata header is called AOSCRAM and the Green Bank metadata header is call GBTSTATUS. The metadata header has no data portion.

Immediately following a metadata header is the first of several ETHITS HDUs. A small ETHITS header is followed by a variable length binary table containing the actual hits. The ETHITS header contains information concerning the hits in the data portion. This information includes time, sky coordinates, and an indication of which subset of data is contained in this HDU.

For Arecibo, data subsets are determined by beam and polarization. Thus for ALFA there are 7 beams x 2 pols = 14 ETHITS HDUs per integration. For single pixel dual pol receivers (eg the 327MHz receiver), there are two useful ETHITS HDUs (beampols 0 and 1) with the remaining beampol delineated HDUs containing unspecified data.

For Green Bank, data subsets are determined by subspectra and polarization. There are eight subspectra and two pols, thus 16 ETHITS HDUs per integration.

The data portion format of an ETHITS HDU is identical across Arecibo and Green Bank. See the definition in the templates, below.

Output File Template : Arecibo

# FITS Primary Header Block
SIMPLE  =                    T  / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                    8  / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    0  / number of data axes
EXTEND  =                    T  / FITS dataset may contain extensions
BLOCKED =                    T  / Blocks of 2880 bytes
ORIGIN  ='SERENDIP VI'          / File was created by the guppi_daq sw
DATE    =                    *  / Date (dd/mm//yy) this file was written
### Core ETFITS header fields ###
HDRVER  = 1.0                   / Header version
S6HPCVER= '0.7.2'               / version of
LBGPUVER= '0.7.2'               / version of
HASHPVER= '0.1.0'               / version of hashpipe lib/app
FPGAVER = '0.1.0'               / version of FPGA code
TELESCOP=                    *  / Telescope name
DATE-OBS=                    *  / Date of observation (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC)
TSYS    =                    *  / System temperature
PROJID  =                    *  / Project name
FRONTEND=                    *  /   Rx and feed ID
OBSFREQ =                    *  / [MHz] Centre frequency for observation
SITELONG= -66.7552222           / Antenna longitude (degrees, float)
SITELAT = 18.3538056            / Antenna latitude (degrees, float)
SITEELEV= 497                   / Antenna elevation (metres, float)
EQUINOX = 2000.0                / Equinox of coords (e.g. 2000.0)
FITSTYPE= 'ETFITS'              / FITS definition for pulsar data files
INSTRUME= 'SERENDIP VI'         / Backend ID
COORD_MD= 'J2000'               / Coordinate mode (J2000, GAL, ECLIP, etc.)
NINPUTS =                    *  / Number of beampols
BANDWID =                    *  / Bandwidth of entire backend
FREQRES =                    *  / Width of each original spectral channel
NSUBBAND=                    *  / number of subbands
NCHAN   =                    *  / Number of spectral bins per sub-band
CHAN_BW =                    *  / bandwidth of each spectral bin (resolution)

### multibeam pointing calcualtion fields ###
# per beam pointing ellipse zenith angle offsets
ZELLIPS0=   0.0                 / (TDOUBLE)
ZELLIPS1= 384.005               / (TDOUBLE)
ZELLIPS2= 384.005               / (TDOUBLE)
ZELLIPS3= 384.005               / (TDOUBLE)
ZELLIPS4= 384.005               / (TDOUBLE)
ZELLIPS5= 384.005               / (TDOUBLE)
ZELLIPS6= 384.005               / (TDOUBLE)
# per beam pointing ellipse asimuth offsets
AELLIPS0=   0.0                 / (TDOUBLE)
AELLIPS1= 329.06                / (TDOUBLE)
AELLIPS2= 329.06                / (TDOUBLE)
AELLIPS3= 329.06                / (TDOUBLE)
AELLIPS4= 329.06                / (TDOUBLE)
AELLIPS5= 329.06                / (TDOUBLE)
AELLIPS6= 329.06                / (TDOUBLE)
# per beam pointing ellipse array angle offsets
ARRANGL0=    0.0                / (TDOUBLE)
ARRANGL1=  120.0                / (TDOUBLE)
ARRANGL2=  180.0                / (TDOUBLE)
ARRANGL3= -120.0                / (TDOUBLE)
ARRANGL4=  -60.0                / (TDOUBLE)
ARRANGL5=    0.0                / (TDOUBLE)
ARRANGL6=   60.0                / (TDOUBLE)
# ETFITS Binary Table Header Block - 1 per integration - no data
### Mandatory ETFITS header fields ###
XTENSION= BINTABLE              / FITS binary table
BITPIX  =                    8  / Binary data
NAXIS   =                    2  / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                    *  / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    *  / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0  / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1  / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    *  / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'AOSCRAM'             / name of this binary table extension
NMATRIX =                    1  / 1 dataset per row
COARCHID=                    *  / coarse channel ID
### PNT SCRAM fields ###
PNTSTIME=                    *  / unix time of this PNT data (TINT)
PNTRA   =                    *  / latest requested pointing (TDOUBLE)
PNTDEC  =                    *  / latest requested pointing (TDOUBLE)
PNTMJD  =                    *  / (TDOUBLE)
PNTAZCOR=                    *  / center beam azimuth correction (TDOUBLE)
PNTZACOR=                    *  / center beam zenith angle correction (TDOUBLE)
### AGC SCRAM fields ###
AGCSTIME=                    *  / unix time of this AGC data (TINT)
AGCTIME =                    *  / millisec past local midnight.  A time stamp for Az/Za (TINT)
AGCAZ   =                    *  / uncorrected Az as of AGCTIME (TDOUBLE)
AGCZA   =                    *  / uncorrected ZA as of AGCTIME (TDOUBLE)
AGCLST  =                    *  / (TDOUBLE)
### ALFA SHMEM SCRAM fields ###
ALFSTIME=                    *  / unix time of this ALFA SHMEM data (TINT)
ALFBIAS1=                    *  / AlfaFirstBias bitmap   (TINT)
ALFBIAS2=                    *  / AlfaSecondBias bitmap  (TINT)
ALFMOPOS=                    *  / AlfaMotorPosition      (TDOUBLE)
### IF1 SCRAM fields ###
IF1STIME=                    *  / unix time of this IF1 data  (TINT)
IF1SYNHZ=                    *  / synI_freqHz_0 (LO, right?)          (TDOUBLE)
IF1SYNDB=                    *  / synI_ampDB_0           (TINT)
IF1RFFRQ=                    *  / rfFreq                 (TDOUBLE)
IF1IFFRQ=                    *  / if1FrqMhz              (TDOUBLE)
IF1ALFFB=                    *  / alfaFb                 (TINT)
### IF2 SCRAM fields ###
IF2STIME=                    *  / unix time of this IF2 data  (TINT)
IF2ALFON=                    *  / useAlfa 1 = ALFA is on (TINT)
IF2SYNHZ=                    *  / synI_freqHz_0 (LO, right?)          (TDOUBLE)
IF2SIGSR=                    *  / signal source 0=gr,1=ch,2=noise     (TINT)
### TT SCRAM fields ###
TTSTIME =                    *  / unix time of this TT data   (TINT)
TTTURENC=                    *  / TurretEncoder               (TINT)
TTTURDEG=                    *  / TurretDegrees          (TDOUBLE)
### Sample clock synth fields ###
CLOCKTIM=                    *  / unix time of this clock data (TINT)
CLOCKFRQ=                    *  / clock frequency - the sample rate of the instrument (TDOUBLE)
CLOCKDBM=                    *  / clock power level in dBm (TDOUBLE)
CLOCKLOC=                    *  / 1 = synth is locked, 0 = synth is not locked (TINT)
### Birdie frequency synth fields ###
BIRDITIM=                    *  / unix time of this birdie data (TINT)
BIRDIFRQ=                    *  / birdie frequency (TDOUBLE)
BIRDIDBM=                    *  / birdie power level in dBm (TDOUBLE)
BIRDILOC=                    *  / 1 = synth is locked, 0 = synth is not locked (TINT)
### ADC RMS Values ###
ADCRMSTM=                    *  / unix time of this ADC data (TINT)
ADCRMS01=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS02=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS03=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS04=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS05=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS06=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS07=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS08=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS09=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS10=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS11=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS12=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS13=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS14=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS15=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
ADCRMS16=                    *  / a value of -1 indicates a NaN return from the ADC (TDOUBLE)
# ETFITS Coarse Channel Powers Binary Table Header Block - 1 per per integration
### Mandatory ETFITS header fields ###
XTENSION= BINTABLE             / FITS binary table
BITPIX  =                    8  / Binary data
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                    * / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    * / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    * / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'CCPWRS'             / name of this binary table extension
NMATRIX =                    1 / 1 dataset per row
### ETFITS hits metadata ###
TIME    =                    * / unix time of this integration - is this fine enough res? (TINT)
RA      =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
DEC     =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
# Data table rows
### ETFITS coarse channel power columns ###
TTYPE#  = 'POLX    '           / coarse channel powers for X polarization
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
TTYPE#  = 'POLY    '           / coarse channel powers for Y polarization
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
# ETFITS Binary Table Header Block - 1 per beam/pol per integration
### Mandatory ETFITS header fields ###
XTENSION= BINTABLE             / FITS binary table
BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                    * / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    * / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    * / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'ETHITS'             / name of this binary table extension
NMATRIX =                    1 / 1 dataset per row
### ETFITS hits metadata ###
TIME    =                    * / unix time of this integration - is this fine enough res? (TINT)
RA      =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
DEC     =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
BORSPOL =                    * / 0-13 beam/pols or 0-15 spectra/pols  (TINT)
NHITS   =                    * / (TINT)
MISSEDPK=                    * / missed packets this beam/pol this integration (TINT)
# Data table columns
### ETFITS hits columns ###
TTYPE#  = 'DETPOW  '           / detected power in units of mean power
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
TTYPE#  = 'MEANPOW '           / mean power
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
TTYPE#  = 'COARCHAN'           / coarse channel bin number
TFORM#  = '1I      '           / 16-bit integer
TTYPE#  = 'FINECHAN'           / fine channel bin number
TFORM#  = '1J      '           / 32-bit integer

Output File Template : Green Bank Telescope

# FITS Primary Header Block
SIMPLE  =                    T  / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                    8  / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    0  / number of data axes
EXTEND  =                    T  / FITS dataset may contain extensions
BLOCKED =                    T  / Blocks of 2880 bytes
ORIGIN  ='SERENDIP VI'          / File was created by the guppi_daq sw
DATE    =                    *  / Date (dd/mm//yy) this file was written
### Core ETFITS header fields ###
HDRVER  = 1.0                   / Header version
S6HPCVER= '0.7.2'               / version of
LBGPUVER= '0.7.2'               / version of
HASHPVER= '0.1.0'               / version of hashpipe lib/app
FPGAVER = '0.1.0'               / version of FPGA code
TELESCOP=                    *  / Telescope name
DATE-OBS=                    *  / Date of observation (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC)
TSYS    =                    *  / System temperature
PROJID  =                    *  / Project name
FRONTEND=                    *  /   Rx and feed ID
OBSFREQ =                    *  / [MHz] Centre frequency for observation
SITELONG= 79.839835             / Antenna longitude (degrees, float)
SITELAT = 38.433121             / Antenna latitude (degrees, float)
SITEELEV= 807.43                / Antenna elevation (metres, float)
EQUINOX = 2000.0                / Equinox of coords (e.g. 2000.0)
FITSTYPE= 'ETFITS'              / FITS definition for pulsar data files
INSTRUME= 'SERENDIP VI'         / Backend ID
COORD_MD= 'J2000'               / Coordinate mode (J2000, GAL, ECLIP, etc.)
NINPUTS =                    *  / Number of pols * number of subbands
BANDWID =                    *  / Bandwidth of entire backend
FREQRES =                    *  / Width of each original spectral channel
NSUBBAND=                    *  / number of subbands
NCHAN   =                    *  / Number of spectral bins per sub-band
CHAN_BW =                    *  / bandwidth of each spectral bin (resolution)
# ETFITS Binary Table Header Block - 1 per integration - no data
### Mandatory ETFITS header fields ###
XTENSION= BINTABLE              / FITS binary table
BITPIX  =                    8  / Binary data
NAXIS   =                    2  / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                    *  / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    *  / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0  / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1  / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    *  / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'GBTSTATUS'           / name of this binary table extension
NMATRIX =                    1  / 1 dataset per row
COARCHID=                    *  / coarse channel ID
### GBT_STATUS fields ###
LASTUPDT=                    *  / time string when gbt_status was last updated (TSTRING)
LST     =                    *  / local sidereal time HH:MM:SS (TSTRING)
UTC     =                    *  / universal time HH:MM:SS (TSTRING)
MJD     =                    *  / modified julian date (TDOUBLE)
EPOCH   =                    *  / epoch (TSTRING)
MAJTYPE =                    *  / major type (TSTRING)
MINTYPE =                    *  / minor type (TSTRING)
MAJOR   =                    *  / major (TSTRING)
MINOR   =                    *  / minor (TSTRING)
AZCOMM  =                    *  / az commanded (TDOUBLE)
ELCOMM  =                    *  / el commanded (TDOUBLE)
AZACTUAL=                    *  / az actual (TDOUBLE) (used in deriving ra/dec)
ELACTUAL=                    *  / el actual (TDOUBLE)
AZERROR =                    *  / az error (TDOUBLE)
ELERROR =                    *  / el error (TDOUBLE)
LPCS    =                    *  / lpcs (TSTRING)
FOCUSOFF=                    *  / focus offset (TSTRING)
ANTMOT  =                    *  / antenna motion (TSTRING)
RECEIVER=                    *  / receiver (TSTRING)
IFFRQ1ST=                    *  / first IF freq (TDOUBLE)
IFFRQRST=                    *  / IF rest freq (TDOUBLE)
DCRSCFRQ=                    *  / dcr_sky_center_freq (TDOUBLE)
SPRCSFRQ=                    *  / spectral_processor_sky_freq (TDOUBLE)
FREQ    =                    *  / frequency (TDOUBLE)
VELFRAME=                    *  / velocity frame (TSTRING)
VELDEF  =                    *  / velocity defintion (TSTRING)
J2000MAJ=                    *  / J2000 major (TDOUBLE)
J2000MIN=                    *  / J2000 minor (TDOUBLE)
### GBTstatus Derived fields ###
LSTH_DRV=                    *  / local sidereal time in decimal hours (TDOUBLE)
RA_DRV  =                    *  / RA in hours (taken from az/el actual, precessed to J2000)
RADG_DRV=                    *  / RA in degrees (taken from az/el actual, precessed to J2000)
DEC_DRV =                    *  / DEC in degrees (taken from az/el actual, precessed to J2000)
### Cleo fields ###
CLEOREV =                    *  / Cleo server revision #
ATMCRAJ2=                    *  / RA in degrees (as computed by cleo, precessed to J2000)
ATMCDCJ2=                    *  / DEC in degrees (as computed by cleo, precessed to J2000)
IFV1CSFQ=                    *  / server-derived center freq in MHz
IFV1BW  =                    *  / MHz - estimate of useful BW
IFV1LVL =                    *  / (unreliable) system set to low of high intensity noise diode
IFV1IFFQ=                    *  / IF freq corresponding to CorrectedSkyFrequency (MHz)
IFV1SSB =                    *  / lower/upper - if upper sky freqs increase as IF freqs increase
IFV1SKFQ=                    *  / sky freq at IF in MHz at start of obs, not correct during a scan if doppler tracking
IFV2CSFQ=                    *  / server-derived center freq in MHz
IFV2BW  =                    *  / MHz - estimate of useful BW
IFV2LVL =                    *  / (unreliable) system set to low of high intensity noise diode
IFV2IFFQ=                    *  / IF freq corresponding to CorrectedSkyFrequency (MHz)
IFV2SSB =                    *  / lower/upper - if upper sky freqs increase as IF freqs increase
IFV2SKFQ=                    *  / sky freq at IF in MHz at start of obs, not correct during a scan if doppler tracking
LO1APSFQ=                    *  / Hz, used to determine Doppler tracking altering center sky freq
LO1BPSFQ=                    *  / Hz, used to determine Doppler tracking altering center sky freq
VEGSFBW1=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSFBW2=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSFBW3=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSFBW4=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSFBW5=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSFBW6=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSFBW7=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSFBW8=                    *  / analog filger BW (MHz) just in front of VEGAS inputs
VEGSSBAM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank A
VEGSSBBM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank B
VEGSSBCM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank C
VEGSSBDM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank D
VEGSSBEM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank E
VEGSSBFM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank F
VEGSSBGM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank G
VEGSSBHM=                    *  / if == 1 and ScanCoordinator == "Running" then observer collecting data with bank H
BAMMPWR1=                    *  / power levels in (dBn) of VEGAS samplers (polarization 1)
BAMMPWR2=                    *  / power levels in (dBn) of VEGAS samplers (polarization 2)
### Cleo derived fields ###
LCUDSECS=                    *  / seconds since last update of any cleo values from server
### Sample clock synth fields ###
CLOCKTIM=                    *  / unix time of this clock data (TINT)
CLOCKFRQ=                    *  / clock frequency - the sample rate of the instrument (TDOUBLE)
CLOCKDBM=                    *  / clock power level in dBm (TDOUBLE)
CLOCKLOC=                    *  / 1 = synth is locked, 0 = synth is not locked (TINT)
### Birdie frequency synth fields ###
BIRDITIM=                    *  / unix time of this birdie data (TINT)
BIRDIFRQ=                    *  / birdie frequency (TDOUBLE)
BIRDIDBM=                    *  / birdie power level in dBm (TDOUBLE)
BIRDILOC=                    *  / 1 = synth is locked, 0 = synth is not locked (TINT)
### ADC RMS Values ###
# Not yet implemented

# ETFITS Coarse Channel Powers Binary Table Header Block - 1 per per integration
### Mandatory ETFITS header fields ###
XTENSION= BINTABLE             / FITS binary table
BITPIX  =                    8  / Binary data
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                    * / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    * / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    * / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'CCPWRS'             / name of this binary table extension
NMATRIX =                    1 / 1 dataset per row
### ETFITS hits metadata ###
TIME    =                    * / unix time of this integration - is this fine enough res? (TINT)
RA      =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
DEC     =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
# Data table rows
### ETFITS coarse channel power columns ###
TTYPE#  = 'POLX    '           / coarse channel powers for X polarization
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
TTYPE#  = 'POLY    '           / coarse channel powers for Y polarization
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
# ETFITS Binary Table Header Block - 1 per bors/pol per integration
### Mandatory ETFITS header fields ###
XTENSION= BINTABLE             / FITS binary table
BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                    * / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    * / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    * / Number of fields per row
EXTNAME = 'ETHITS'             / name of this binary table extension
NMATRIX =                    1 / 1 dataset per row
### ETFITS hits metadata ###
TIME    =                    * / unix time of this integration - is this fine enough res? (TINT)
RA      =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
DEC     =                    * / derived from corrected scram azza (TDOUBLE)
BORSPOL =                    * / 0-13 beam/pols or 0-15 spectra/pols  (TINT)
NHITS   =                    * / (TINT)
MISSEDPK=                    * / missed packets this beam/pol this integration (TINT)
# Data table columns
### ETFITS hits columns ###
TTYPE#  = 'DETPOW  '           / detected power in units of mean power
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
TTYPE#  = 'MEANPOW '           / mean power
TFORM#  = '1E      '           / 4-byte real
TTYPE#  = 'COARCHAN'           / coarse channel bin number
TFORM#  = '1I      '           / 16-bit integer
TTYPE#  = 'FINECHAN'           / fine channel bin number
TFORM#  = '1J      '           / 32-bit integer

Block Diagram (and installation photographs)

IF Splitter / Beam Selector

  • block diagram (pdf)
  • Vin input voltage +9 to +12 VDC
  • Iin input current 1.43 Amps when Vin = +10 VDC.
    • The Iin input current will increase, like the IF signal gain, with increasing Vin.
  • The input power is supplied by a manually controlled Circuit Specialties CS11802x 0-18V, 0-2A lab PSU.
    • The CS11802x is powered off the network controlled power strip described below.
  • This chassis has a MC7805P +5VDC regulator which is used to supply the Vin for the Sample Clock generator discussed below.
  • datasheets

IF Mapping Table

IF levels

dBm to rms counts

  • dBm to ADC rms count table and notes (txt)
  • with ADC IC digital gain = 2, input 50-450 MHz noise, 700 MHz clock :
    • full scale noise = -2.5 dBm rms = 29.5
    • typical operating point : -8.5 dBm rms = 14.7
    • near the minimum linear level : -17.6 dBm rms = 5.2
  • TBD: table with full clock rate of 896 MHz.

Arecibo IF

Evans Hall Digital Lab IF

Sample Clock

  • The sample clock is generated by a Valon 5008 synthesizer locked to the observatory 10 MHz reference.
    • The two programmable tones are generated by two on board Analog Devices ADF4350 (URL) wideband synthesizers with integrated VCO components. The datasheet is ADF4350 (pdf).
    • The synthesizers are programmed by an on board TI MSP430 (URL) low power microcontroller. This implements a UART-SPI bridge.
  • The +5 VDC input power is supplied by the MC7805CP regulator mounted on the IF Splitter described above. The Valon synthesizer is powered on and off at the same times as the IF Splitter.
  • Channel 1 is programmed to be 700 MHz to ease initial FPGA design testing. The output level is +7 dBm.
  • Channel 2 is programmed to be 896 MHz to sample the full IF passband. The output level is +7 dBm.
  • New frequencies may be programmed via the USB cable connected to the back of the SERENDIP6 head node computer.
  • The output of the sample clock synthesizer feeds an Anzac DS-409-4 10 to 2000 MHz 4 way 0 degree splitter.
  • Each of the 4 outputs of the splitter are about 0.5 dBm due to the 6dB loss for 4 copies and 0.5 dB for insertion and cable losses.
  • The net clock input to the ADC16x250-8 rev2 boards will be about 0 dBm due to losses in the various cables to deliver the signal from the synthesizer and within the Roach2 chassis and to ADC16x250-8 rev2 boards.
  • Sample clock harmonic measurements (pdf)

1PPS distribution

  • In the Evans Hall Dig Lab
    • The 1PPS is 0 to 3.4V measured into a 50 ohm load to GND as supplied by the 16 way 1PPS driver
    • The active high pulse is about 20 to 25 usec wide
    • This has passed ~ weekend long lab test using 1 16 way 1PPS driver output and all 4 outputs loaded.
    • If a 3dB BNC attenuator was included on the input side the Roach2s did detect the pulse but the jitter was unacceptably high. We must cable the 16 way 1PPS driver directly into the 4 way AC coupled split.
  • At Arecibo
    • The 1PPS reference is 0 to 2.8 V measured into a 50 ohm load to GND.
    • The active high pulse is about 20 to 25 usec wide
    • 4 copies of the 1PPS are generated using a 4 way AC coupled splitter (pdf).
    • At Arecibo only 3 of the 4 way AC coupled splitter outputs may be used to drive 50 ohm loads. The 4th input may be used to drive an high impedance oscilloscope input or something along those lines.
    • To monitor the received 1PPS, and other signals, each F chassis has a sync_out SMA connector on the upper left hand corner of the back of the chassis. These outputs feed a SMA plug to BNC plug cable to a BNC-tee. One leg of the BNC-tee has a 50 ohm load. The other end is a plug connector which can be directly mated to an oscilloscope. A common measurement is to measure the time difference between the internal versions of the 1PPS signal from the two F Chassis to see if they are still synchronized.

SERENDIP 6 Head Nodes

SERENDIP 6 Compute Nodes


ALFABURST Compute Nodes

F Chassis

2 F Chassis are required. Each F Chassis has :

1 Gbps Networking

DLink DGS-1224T Hardware Rev D1

10 Gbps Networking

SFP+ cable mapping table (pdf)

Primary SFP+ switch: Juniper EX4500-LB

  • complete hardware guide (pdf)
  • quick start guide (pdf)
  • warning lights
    • the front upper right corner red Alarm LED will be asserted and the LCD display will show "SPD ALARM 01" if the management port is not connected.
  • measured power consumption
    • idle with no SFP+ connections of any kind: 2.32 Amps, power factor = 0.98, 265 Watts

Alternative 24 port SFP+ switch: Dell 8024F

SFP+ cables

  • FCI part number: 10110818-2030LF
    • Non Halogen Free
    • 3m
    • 30AWG
    • connectors (at both ends): 20 positions SFP
  • datasheet (pdf)
  • Vendor sites


Components to be brought on flights to and from Arecibo

VAC Power

  • UPS 1
    • VACin : circuit breaker phase 1
    • APC SmartUPS 3000XL 2400 Watt, 3000 Volt-Amps
    • power strip A (vertical mount back left of compute server rack)
      • SERENDIP6 head node aka asa10 aka s6h1
      • ALFABURST head node aka asa3 aka abh0
    • power strip B (vertical mount back left of the compute server rack)
      • SERENDIP6 compute node 0 aka s6c0
      • wire shelf mounted LCD monitor
    • Dlink DGS-1224t 1G switch
  • UPS 2
    • VACin : circuit breaker phase 2
    • APC SmartUPS 3000XL 2400 Watt, 3000 Volt-Amps
    • power strip C (vertical mount back right of the compute server rack)
      • SERENDIP6 compute node 1 aka s6c1
      • SERENDIP6 compute node 2 aka s6c2
    • power strip D (sitting on the bottom of the back side of the compute server rack)
      • Tripp-Lite Isobar8 ultra 8 way 12 amp strip
      • SERENDIP6 compute node 3 aka s6c3
      • wall wart for the SETI@Home LO Plate (front of the IF/F Chassis rack)
      • Rohde & Schwarz ZVL Network Analyzer for temporarily test use only. See test equipment section below.
  • UPS 3
    • VACin : circuit breaker phase 3

    • APC SmartUPS 3000XL 2400 Watt, 3000 Volt-Amps

    • WARNING !!! the battery in this UPS has failed. Replacement will be installed ASAP.

    • This unit is effectively a power strip. Only.

    • power strip F (vertical mount below midway on back right of the compute server rack)

      • ALFABURST compute node 1 aka abc1
      • ALFABURST compute node 0 aka abc0
    • power strip G (vertical mount above midway on back right of the compute server rack)

      • ALFABURST compute node 2 aka abc2
    • wall wart for the 4 way AO network 1GbE switch

  • UPS 4
  • UPS 5
  • 20 amp duplex outlet on the floor to the back right of the IF/F Chassis rack
    • VACin : circuit breaker phase : TBD
    • power strip E (sitting on the floor of the IF/F Chassis rack)
    • Juniper EX4500-LB 40 port 10 GbE SFP+ switch
  • 20? amp quadplex outlet on the floor underneath the wire mesh shelving unit
    • VACin : circuit breaker phase : TBD
    • UPS 4 as described above
    • UPS 5 as described above
    • power strip H (vertical mount back right of the IF/F Chassis rack)

Test Equipment


SCRAM packets are dumped to disk on the S6 head node, in /data/serendip6/, with files named with Unix time timestamps. To view one of these files, copy it elsewhere, uncompress it and run the following command:

/usr/local/bin/s6_observatory -nodb -stdout -infile

Every line should have an xxxSTIME, which is the Unix time when those values were obtained from SCRAM (+/- a second or so). For SCRAM:DERIVED, the field is DERTIME.