Pocket_Spectrometer - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki
The pocket spectrometer is a PFB based spectrometer that runs on a single IBOB.
Making a pocket spectrometer
How to make your own Pocket Spectrometer:
- Get the MSSGE Tools (including the libraries): http://bee2.eecs.berkeley.edu/wiki/MssgeFaq.html
- Download pocketspec_v307d.mdl (forgive my naming convention) and the three files it references: pocketspec_library.mdl, vacc_mask.m and acc_core_mask.m. Make sure these files are in the same directory as pocketspec_v307d.mdl.
- Compile pocketspec_v307d.mdl using bee_xps. This step may take a matter of hours. Keep in mind that the more channels your spectrometer has (which is a parameter in the pocketspec design), the longer it takes to compile.
- Note that the compile created a project directory with the same name as the project name: pocketspec_v307d/
- Copy the source files from here: src.tar.gz into pocketspec_v307d/src/
- Run a software compile - this should only take a minute or two. You can do this by selecting "Software Only" from the dropdown menu in bee_xps. Be careful: if you accidentally check any of the boxes that aren't necessary for the software compile, you may have to sit through the entire thing again.
- Download pocketspec's backend software, walletmac.tar.gz. Installation instructions are included. Once installed, run pocketplot with no flags (or -h) for instructions on use. If you have include LWIP in your pocketspec design, use this version
Pocket Spec Graphics
Image:tN63tOhb_adc.png|adc.png Image:tN63tOhb_histogram.png|histogram.png Image:tN63tOhb_pocketspec-2.png|pocketspec-2.png Image:tN63tOhb_tvg.png|tvg.png