Lo_osc - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki

Block: Local Oscillator (lo_osc) Block Author: Aaron Parsons Document Author: Ben Blackman


Generates an oscillating sine and cosine.

Mask Parameters

Parameter Variable Description
Output Bitwidth n_bits Bitwidth of the outputs.
Counter Step counter_step Step size of the internal counter.
Counter Start Value counter_start Initial value of the internal counter.
Counter Bitwidth counter_width Bitwidth of the internal counter.
Latency latency The latency of the block.


Port Dir Data Type Description
sin OUT Fix_(n_bits)_(n_bits-1) Sine of the current phase, which is given by the counter.
cos OUT Fix_(n_bits)_(n_bits-1) Cosine of the current phase, which is given by the counter.



This block generates the sine and cosine of an oscillator with user-defined spacing (based on counter_step and counter_width) and bitwidth.

Category:Block Documentation