GBT_guppi_installattion - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki

Part 1: Download required packages

NOTE: all Python packages must be installed using Python 2.5. Therefore, to install each package, the command python2.5 install must be used.

First installing shm libraries for the shared memory and sephamores (The library uses Popen2 which is an obsolete library with Python 2.6. To compile it is necessary to change the Popen2 for subprocess):

 wget  tar xvfz shm-1.2.2.tar.gz  cd shm-1.2.2  python2.5 install  

Download Python setuptools, and install using --prefix option

Download and install numpy

Installing python MySQL database

 wget  cd MySQL-python-1.2.3

Installation of the pyfits library.

 wget  tar xvzf pyfits-2.3.1.tar.gz

Installation of the gtk

 yum install pygtk2

Installation of the cfitsio

Download the source code for pyslalib from github

 git clone

Install pyslalib

 sudo python install  sudo ln /pyslalib/ / 

Installation of fftw3

Installation of the CUDA Drivers and Toolkit

 Download latest version of "Developer Drivers for Linux" AND "CUDA Toolkit for RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.5" from:  Run the two downloaded installation files

Part 2: Operating System Modifications

VEGAS OS Modifications lists the OS-level modifications that need to be done before VEGAS will perform at its optimum. Note that, without these changes, VEGAS will still most probably run, but not at high speeds, and may crash occasionally.

Part 3: Download VEGAS source code

Create a directory in which to place the VEGAS software. This directory may be in your home directory, or elsewhere. For this tutorial, the directory is ~/casper. However, any other directory may be used.

 mkdir ~/casper

Download the VEGAS source code via git:

 cd ~/casper  git clone [email protected]:casper-astro/vegas_devel.git

After checking out the VEGAS source code, a vegas_hpc directory will be created (within the ~/casper/vegas_devel/src directory). The following steps all require the user to be in the base vegas_hpc directory.

Part 4: Install VEGAS HPC Software

Modify your .bash_profile script to initialize the VEGAS environment variable to point to the directory one level above vegas_hpc. If you downloaded the vegas_devel repository to ~/casper, then add the following to lines to your ~/.bash_profile script:

 VEGAS=~/casper/vegas_devel/src  export VEGAS

If the software is being run on BWRC machines, the script "vegas_spec-hpc_bwrc.bash" must be executed every time you reboot your machine to ensure that the environment variables are set correctly. If the VEGAS software is being run on GBT machines, run the "vegas_spec-hpc.bash" script instead.

If VEGAS is being run on a different machine (i.e. not a BWRC or GBT machine), then it is suggested that you make your own copy of this script that sets the VEGAS_INCL, VEGAS_LIB and VEGAS_BIN variables to the appropriate locations. You will also probably need to update the PYSLALIB, VEGAS_LIB_GCC and PYTHONPATH variables. For the rest of this document, it is assumed that the BWRC machines are being used.

Install the actual VEGAS software (note that the Python setup MUST be run twice):

 source vegas_spec-hpc_bwrc.bash  python2.5 install --install-lib=$VEGAS/lib/python  python2.5 install --install-lib=$VEGAS/lib/python  cd src    make  make install  cd ..

Test that the software was installed correctly

 source vegas_spec-hpc_bwrc.bash  bin/vegas_setup_shmem_mode01  python2.5 python/

A monitor window should appear that displays the status of the VEGAS HPC software. Press "q" to close this window.

Advanced Installation Instructions

If the FPGA does not use 8K UDP packets, then a special compilation flag must be set. For 4K packets, instead of simply typing "make" in the instructions above, rather type:

 make PAYLOAD=4096

If you do not want any output files to be produced (i.e. the output is automatically discarded), then compile using the following command:

 make NULL_DISK=1

If the disk buffer will be read by an external process (i.e. no internal VEGAS disk thread), then compile using the following command:

 make EXT_DISK=1

If you want the HPC software to produce raw binary files, rather than FITS files, then compile using:

 make RAW_DISK=1

Part 5A: Running the VEGAS HPC Software in Simulation Mode (no FPGA)

Before running the VEGAS software, the following commands must be run (from vegas_hpc directory)

 source vegas_spec-hpc_bwrc.bash  bin/vegas_setup_shmem_mode01_sim

In order to setup the software for other modes, replace the mode number in the last line with the appropriate value (e.g. 13).

To run the VEGAS HPC software for high-bandwidth modes (no GPU)


To run the VEGAS HPC software for low-bandwidth modes (with GPU)


To simulate a connected FPGA, the following Python script must be run (high-bandwidth modes)

 python ../sim/

or, for low-bandwidth modes

 python ../sim/

Debug information should now appear in the console where the VEGAS HPC software is running. To quit the program, press Ctrl+C.

Part 5B: Running the VEGAS HPC Software with an actual FPGA Connected

Configure the FPGA by running the appropriate gbt_conf* script in the gbt_devel/scripts directory:


Before running the VEGAS software, the following commands must be run (from vegas_hpc directory)

 source vegas_spec-hpc_bwrc.bash  bin/vegas_setup_shmem_mode01

In order to setup the software for other modes, replace the mode number in the last line with the appropriate value (e.g. 13).

To run the VEGAS HPC software for high-bandwidth modes (no GPU)


To run the VEGAS HPC software for low-bandwidth modes (with GPU)


Once the HPC software is running, the ROACH must be reset before the VEGAS HPC software will start recording packets. This is done by running the appropriate reset script in the gbt_devel.scripts directory:




Debug information should now appear in the terminal where the VEGAS HPC software is running.

To quit the VEGAS HPC software, press Ctrl+C.

Part 6: Troubleshooting

The PFB thread of the VEGAS HPC low-bandwidth modes uses the GPU for performing polyphase filtering and FFT. It uses the devices /dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidiactl. The proper permissions of these devices are 'rw-rw-rw-' (write permission is required for the user running the VEGAS program). It has been noticed that following an X-Windows crash, the write permissions can change to 'rw-------', in which case it needs to be corrected.