GASP_CoDeDi_C_code - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki
Up: Pulsar Machines
/* ================================================================== */
/* Function to compute the dedispersion convolution phase function
(Chirp function).
DM -> dispersion measure (pc/cc)
BW -> bandwidth (MHz)
FCen -> Centre frequency of the band (MHz)
BRevSwitch -> Band Reversal switch (1 -> forward; -1 -> reversed)
Chirp[] -> Output chirp function array
NPts -> Number of points in Chirp[] (= NPts in FFT)
While computing the phase value, it has been assumed that:
charge of electron = 4.80325E-10 e.s.u.
mass of electron = 9.10956E-28 gm.
velocity of light = 2.997925E+10 cm/s
parsec = 3.0856E+18 cm.
R. Ramachandran, Paul Demorest, 19-APR-2004, Berkeley */
/* ================================================================== */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
int CalcChirp(double DM,
double BW,
double Fcen,
int BRevSwitch,
fftwf_complex Chirp[],
double EarthZ4,
int NPts) {
int i, retval=0;
float *chr, *chi;
double Flow, dmconst, freq, frqfac, chw, pi, twopi, arg;
float taper;
retval = 0;
pi = 4.0*atan2(1.0,1.0);
twopi = (2.0 * pi);
dmconst = DM * twopi / ( 2.41e-10 * (1.0+EarthZ4/10000.0)); /* Earth correction */
chw = (BW / (float)NPts);
Flow = (Fcen - BW / 2.0) + (chw / 2.0);
chr = (float *)(Chirp);
chi = (float *)(Chirp) + 1;
for (i=0; i<NPts; i++) {
freq = chw * ((double)i);
if (i > NPts/2) { freq -= BW; }
frqfac = (freq / Fcen);
frqfac = (double)BRevSwitch*frqfac*frqfac
arg = (dmconst * frqfac);
taper = 1.0/sqrt(1.0 + pow((freq/(0.47*BW)),80));
*chr = (float)(cos(arg)*taper/(double)NPts); chr += 2;
*chi = -1.0*(float)(sin(arg)*taper/(double)NPts); chi += 2;
retval = 1;
return retval;