Freeze_cntr - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki

Block: Freeze Counter Block (freeze_cntr) Block Author: Aaron Parsons Document Author: Aaron Parsons


A freeze counter is an enabled counter which holds its final value (regardless of enables) until it is reset.

Mask Parameters

Parameter Variable Description
Counter Length (2(^?)) CounterBits Specifies the number of bits (and the final count output of (2^{bits-1})).


Port Dir Data Type Description
en in ??? Step the counter by 1 unless addr=(2^{bits-1}).
rst in ??? Reset counter to 0.
addr out ??? Current output of the counter.
we out Boolean Outputs boolean true just before addr is incremented.
done out Boolean Outputs boolean true when a final en is asserted and addr=(2^{bits-1}).


A freeze counter is an enabled counter which holds its final value (regardless of enables) until it is reset. Thus, a (2^5) freeze counter will count from 0 to 31 on 31 enables, but will hold 31 thereafter until a reset occurs. This block is useful for writing data in a single pass to memory without looping.

Category:Block Documentation