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Red Hat
Contact Bob Bankay via Dan to order another license for Red Hat.
You need to install the package (yum install libXp.x86_64) to run matlab.
To download the installer talk to Brian Richards about getting a Mathworks account if you don't already have one.
Using your mathworks account log in to the matlab download page and select the appropriate version of matlab. Check this website to make sure you are getting the right version of matlab. Note: R2009b != R2009bSP1. The installer will download all available packages automatically. Redhat doesn't automatically recognize the jnlp file and you need to manually tell it to use javaws to run the app. Install matlab in the /opt/mathworks directory (multiple versions can be installed side by side in this directory).
If you are getting a error you will also need to disable SELinux to run matlab. Refer to this page to resolve the issue.
Download ISE 11.1 from the Xilinx downloads page. It should automatically update to the latest version of 11 after installing itself (the later versions are just patches for 11.1). The Xilinx tools are installed in the /opt/Xilinx directory and multiple versions can be installed side by side.
RHEL5 ships with an outdated version of Python (v2.4.3). It is too old to run most CASPER-related Python libraries, but it is a critical package and cannot be removed, so the best available solution is to install a newer version side-by-side with the old one.
Instructions for installing Python 2.6 are here:
As described in the configuration step, wget the appropriate ius- and epel-release rpms. Install them and import their keys.
$ rpm -Uvh ius-release*.rpm epel-release*.rpm
$ rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/IUS-COMMUNITY-GPG-KEY
$ rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL
Then, install Python2.6:
$ yum install python26
This will do a side by side installation, leaving the 2.4 package untouched. The python alias will still refer to python2.4, so anytime you want to call python to run corr or aipy, you should call python2.6 instead.
For getting other CASPER-related Python packages, you'll also want:
$ yum install python26-devel
$ yum install python26-setuptools
To install the 2.6 version of ipython, use easy_install-2.6:
$ easy_install-2.6 ipython
Install the following dependencies using yum: tkinter26, tk, and tk-devel. Then, download the source for matplotlib from the website (easy_install grabs an old version of matplotlib) and install it. If you did not install the tk dependencies before the matplotlib installation, it will not be able to use the TKAgg backend until you get those dependencies and reinstall matplotlib.
The CUDA drivers and SDK can be downloaded from the NVIDIA website.