2012.04.12_GC_Observations - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki

GBT GC 2011 Go back


Times are EDT

Note: found later that ROACH 1 was being clocked at 1500 MHz instead of usual 1440 MHz. Also had 1 GHz input filter on ROACH 1 for a while. Valon frequency was noticed and fixed at ~05:45. ROACH 4 was not working because of 1 PPS problem. Signal was routed to ROACH 7 instead. Thus no off source beam was available for these observations.

  • Took a while to get started after official start time (04:00) because had to manually flip wideband switch.
  • 04:35 - AutoPeakFocus on 2038+5119. Tsrc ~ 4K , Tsys ~ 45 K
  • 04:36 - Going to PSR B2021+51 for test. Problem with ROACH4, turns out to be bad cable for 1PPS.

2012.04.12_083757 - On B2021+51, has data for all but ROACH 4.

  • 04:40 - Tried reprogramming roach 4. Stop and restart data taking.

2012.04.12_084159 - B2021+51 Still not getting data for ROACH 4.

2012.04.12_084609 - B2021+51 Still not getting data for ROACH 4.

  • 05:01 - Stopping. Reconfiguring so that R4's tuning is sent to R7. LO2 = 13326.0156 MHz.
  • 05:04 - Grabbing test data on B2021+51 while reconfiguring: 2012.04.12_084159 - B2021+51 Still not getting data for ROACH 4. still no roach 4.
  • 05:06 - R7 now has IF from R4.
  • 05:09 - Started hopefully good data taking on B2021+51

2012.04.12_090716 - On B2012+51 good data (all but ROACH 1 see below)

  • 05:15 - stopped, moving to AutoPeakFocus on 1733-1304. May have some glitches in end of last data set as kept recording longer than we were on source.
  • 05:19 - Taking data even though IF configuration is changed during AutoPeakFocus: 2012.04.12_091932
  • 05:22 - 1733-1304 results: Tsys ~ 50 K, Tsrc ~ 5.8 K
  • 05:25 - Moving to GC - reconfigure, will do 25 Hz guppi cal first, continuing to take data (in 091932).
  • 05:26 - On GC. Having an issue with IF power level at optical driver. Andrew has processed R1 data from B2021 and reports no detection.
  • 05:29 - Stopped collection. Doing Guppi (25 Hz) cal. Data in 2012.04.12_093017
  • 05:31 - On GC taking data in 2012.04.12_093219.
  • 05:42 - Noticed ROACH 1 had Valon set to 1500 MHz (oops). This explains Andrew's non detection of B2021. Indeed pulsar is strong in other roachs. Stopped taking data
  • 05:45 - Fixed, starting anew on GC.

2012.04.12_094507 - First big data set on GC. PPS was sent at at UnixEpoch 1334223921+1

  • 06:36 - stopping to do pointing.
  • 06:38 - AutoPeakFocus on 1733-1304
  • 06:48 - On/Off with 25 Hz cal on 1733-1304 for calibration. data in: 2012.04.12_104758. Files 1-4 on source. files 5+ off source.
  • 06:52 - Back to GC
  • 06:54 - Taking data on GC

2012.04.12_105431 - Second big data set on GC. PPS was sent at UnixEpoch 1334228089+1

  • 08:01 - Stopping