2012.03.23_Test_observations - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki

GBT GC 2011 Go back

Possible pointing/flux calibrators
  • 1733-1304 - VLA catalog gives flux as 11 Jy at 15 GHz and 9.0 Jy at 45 GHz
  • 1833-2103 - VLA catalog gives flux as 5.22 Jy at 15 GHz and 1.3 Jy at 45 GHz
  • 1743-0350 - VLA catalog gives flux as 3.81 Jy at 22 GHz.
Calibration data on DR21
  • Data in CSV format: Media:2012.03.23 103851 cal data DR21.txt
  • used flux formula given in Ott et al. 1994 and beam correction factor of 1.238. This might not be ideal since Effelsberg only used inner surface for high frequencies. But should be accurate to a constant scaling.
  • Data for both polns included (p0 and p1)
  • Final columns NoiseByDR21 indicate ratio of noise diode in spectrometer counts to the signal received from DR21 in spectrometer counts.

Observing log

Session 4

  • 05:00 - AutopeakFocus on 1733-1304 (6 Jy @ 22 GHz from MOJAVE). Tsrc ~ 7 K, Tsys ~ 77 K
  • 05:04 - On 1733-1304 on source 25 Hz cal. 2012.03.23_090444
  • 05:06 - Flipped switching signal distributor switch to manual for vegas cal. KFPA set EXT1
  • 05:08 - Running OnOff 1733-1304 with vegas cal. Data in 2012.03.23_090656
  • 05:09 On source up till file ~7 moved off source 1 degree in RA. Elevation ~ 33 deg. IF rack power ~ 5V.
  • 05:13 - Stopping and moving to PSR J1746-2850I. Taking data still with vegas cal on as we move to pulsar in 2012.03.23_091348.
  • 05:16 - Stopping data. Switched noise back to computer control.
  • 05:20 - Starting main data taking session on PSR J1746-2850I. Data in 2012.03.23_091959.
  • 05:23:55 - sumbitted guppi script (look for glitches)
  • 06:14 - stopping and restarting vegas. new files in 2012.03.23_101523
  • 06:16 - doing tone tests. Tone at 21.821333 GH
  • 06:19 - started guppi Tones at 21.822333 GHz for 30 seconds then 21.830333 GHz.
  • 06:21 - stopped guppi
  • 06:24 - slewing 2107+4214 stopped vegas.
  • 06:25 - Taking data as slewing before autopeakfocus. 2012.03.23_102538
  • 06:28 - AutoPeakFocus reocnfigured IFs. 2107+4214 Tsrc ~ 8.5 K Tsys 67.7 K Elevation 46 degrees. fluxcal.cat lists flux as 6.6 Jy?
  • 06:32 - Configur for vegas cal. moving to DR21. Still in 102538. System 25 Hz cal on up till file num 4, then changed to vegas cal. File number 15 on DR21 vegas cal.
  • 06:36 - File num 18/19 moving off DR21. Stopping after finihsed OnOff.
  • 06:39 - Submitting OnOff DR21. Data in 2012.03.23_103851 Off source filenumber 8.