2012.03.21_Test_observations - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki
GBT GC 2011 - go back
Accumulation Time Bug
Acc time for these obs should be
((768*256*32+2)/32.0)/360e6 = 546.1335069444444 microseconds?
Calibration on 0359+5057
- Previous user had done Q-band OOF so we kept their solution and thermal zernike
- Did AutoPeakFocus on 0359+5057
- Beams 3,7, Tsys ~62 K
- Source Tant ~ 12.8 K, source flux ~ 10 Jy --> Gain ~ 1.2 K/Jy
On source 0359+5057 with noise source sent from VEGAS at ~25 Hz. Cal signal in fits files is inverted from polarity at receiver. The frequencies were set to 18.55, 19.8, 21.05, 22.30, 23.55, 24.8, 18.55, 17.0 from Anish's original script.
Configured correct frequencies. Still on 0359+5057 with noise cal switching.
19:12 - Move of in R.A. +4 minutes still in this scan. Now off source
Off source 0359+5057 by +4 minutes RA. Move to 0355+54 with noise source still on
19:20 - Turned off noise source
On source 0355+54 noise OFF. 19:28 - up until now I had frequencies flipped: vegas-hpc1 - 25.225, vegas-hpc2 - 23.927 etc. Now corrected to vegas-hpc1 - 18.735, 20.33125. Only affects fits files. Anish's script had proper frequencies. Starting a new data capture
On source. Looks like vegas-hpc2 is not receiving, so restarting
We're back all nodes up, on source 0355+54 noise OFF. This is a good set of data (we hope)
19:54 - Stopping to do 25 Hz cal, generated by telescope, so should be exactly 25 Hz. Telescope stopped, drifting
19:59 - On B0329+54
On B0329+54 with 25 Hz cal ON
20:02 - On B0329+54 Cal OFF Going to try configuring guppi.
20:06 - stopped after telescope took off when tracking using GUPPI
20:10 - Back on B0329+54
On B0329+54 Cal OFF
20:13 - Trying guppi again
20:34 - Stopping, moving to B0355+54
On B0355+54.
20:37 - Radiator tone ON at 22.414 GHz. Glass door closed. Wire antenna.
20:41 - Submitting GUPPI script
20:47 - Going to try track command with antenna out of coordinator to get guppi going
20:51 - Changed radiator tone to 22.050 GHz.
20:55 - Moving LO for guppi to move center frequency to 21.85 GHz
20:56 - Trying opening glass door and moving radiator outside.
Noticed dropped packets on vegas-hpc1 - was trying to plot a bunch of data and must have overloaded the machine.
Started again on B0355+54
21:13 - Running script to change guppi LO
21:18 - Going to calibrate on 0319+4130
21:21 - Cal source set to manual to come from Vegas
On 0319+4130, cal from VEGAS at ~25 Hz.
21:23 - Moving off source, continuing same data file. Was having some trouble deciding when we're off soruce. We tried going +4 minutes in RA, then -4 minutes in RA.
Should be off source from 0319+4130.