1_GHz_ _1024_Channel_Wideband_Spectrometer - david-macmahon/wiki_convert_test GitHub Wiki

This 1 GHz Wide-band Spectrometer, designed by Glenn Jones as part of the GAVRT effort, utilizes a single iBOB and iADC to sample a single input at 2048 Msamples/sec and perform a 1024 channel 2-tap PFFT.

Source Files

{{mdl|One8x4t11PFB.mdl|Simulink Model}}


{{bit|One8x4t11pfb_sw.tarโ€Ž|PowerPC Source}}


Frequency channels: 1024 (2048 real samples per spectrum)
Clock input: 512 to 1024 MHz
Signal input: DC - 1024 MHz
Integration time: variable (min ~ 50 mS)
Polyphase filter: 2taps, Hamming window
Output: 100 Mbit Ethernet
Libraries used: mlib_devel 7.1 05/01/09


Initialization Commands:

regwrite cfgspec/vacc/acc_len 39999

This sets the integration time to 40000 spectra (each spectrum takes 256 FPGA clocks and the FPGA clock rate is 1/4 of whatever you drive the ADC with)

regwrite period 10239998

This must be set to exactly acc_len * 256 - 2

startudp 192 168 0 10 59000 24

This sends to with destination port 59000. The 24 enables both dumping spectra and raw ADC values.

Packet Format:

UDP Packets with data payload length of 1048 24 bytes of header 1024 bytes raw data

Packets represent a collection of BRAMs associated with a Spectrometer function.

A BRAM is always 4 bytes (32 bits wide).

Header Format:

Byte    Type    Descr., Example
0       uint8   BRAM Label, eg. "S" or "A"
1       uint8   Reserved
2       uint8   This BRAM number
3       uint8   Total number of BRAMS of this Label
4-5     uint16  Offset into this BRAM in 4 byte words. Should be a
multiple of 1024/4 = 256 usually
6-7     uint16  Depth of BRAMS in 4 byte words
8-11    uint32  Accumulation number / Measurement ID
12-15   uint32  Master Counter
16-17   uint16  Load Indicator
18-23   ------  Reserved

For this spectrometer, there are 2 BRAMs for the spectral data. One BRAM (BRAM 1) holds the most significant 32 bits and the other (BRAM 0) holds the least significant 32 bits. There are 1024 locations in each BRAM which correspond to the 1024 channels. Thus the depth field is set to 1024/4 = 256. So these eight packets make up one spectrum (1K channels * 64 bits per channel = 8K)

53 00 00 02 00 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 00 01 02 00 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 00 00 02 01 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 00 01 02 01 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 00 00 02 02 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 00 01 02 02 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 00 00 02 03 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00
53 00 01 02 03 00 04 00 00 00 4C FE A1 73 C2 16 04 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00

Notice how the total BRAMs is fixed at 2. The total depth is 04 00 representing 0x0400 = 1024 = 4096/4. The offset counts from 0x0000 to 0x0300 for each BRAM. 0x00004CFE is the accumulation number, which you notice increments each set of 8 packets. 0xA173C216 is the master counter which eventually can be used to time tag each spectrum to the nearest few nanoseconds. 0x044C is the load indicator, which indicates how much free time the embedded processor that is sending out the data has. If it gets down to 0x0001 you will start losing spectra because the integration time is too short.

Backend Software


Resource Utilization

Logic Utilization:
  Number of Slice Flip Flops:      37,122 out of  47,232   78%
  Number of 4 input LUTs:          19,532 out of  47,232   41%
Logic Distribution:
  Number of occupied Slices:       21,665 out of  23,616   91%
Total Number 4 input LUTs:         27,919 out of  47,232   59%
  Number used as logic:            19,532
  Number used as a route-thru:        495
  Number used for Dual Port RAMs:     716
    (Two LUTs used per Dual Port RAM)
  Number used as 16x1 RAMs:             4
  Number used as Shift registers:   7,172

  Number of Block RAMs:               189 out of     232   81%
  Number of MULT18X18s:               112 out of     232   48%