User‐Defined Functions - datacouch-io/spark-java GitHub Wiki

User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in Apache Spark provide a way to extend Spark's built-in SQL functions and add custom operations for data processing. UDFs allow users to apply their own custom logic to manipulate and transform data within Spark DataFrames and SQL queries. Here's an overview of User-Defined Functions in Apache Spark:

  1. Purpose:

    • UDFs are used to perform custom operations on data within Spark DataFrames.
    • They are essential when you need to apply transformations or calculations not covered by Spark's built-in functions.
  2. Types:

    • Spark supports two types of UDFs: Scalar UDFs and Pandas UDFs.
    • Scalar UDFs operate on a single input column and produce a single output column.
    • Pandas UDFs operate on multiple input columns and produce one or more output columns.
  3. Language Support:

    • You can define UDFs in multiple languages, including Scala, Java, Python, and R.
  4. Registration:

    • UDFs need to be registered with Spark's SparkSession before they can be used in SQL queries or DataFrame operations.
    • Registration includes specifying the UDF's name and function signature.
  5. Syntax:

    • UDFs are typically defined using lambda functions or custom functions.
    • The UDF's logic is specified in the function body.
  6. Application:

    • UDFs can be applied to individual columns in a DataFrame or used within SQL queries.
    • They can transform data, filter rows, create new columns, and perform complex calculations.
  7. Performance:

    • UDFs can have a significant impact on query performance.
    • Spark's Catalyst optimizer can push down some operations for better performance.
  8. Common Use Cases:

    • Parsing and extracting data from text fields.
    • Custom date and time calculations.
    • String manipulations.
    • Conditional operations and complex calculations.
    • Geospatial calculations.
    • Machine learning model predictions.
  9. Example:

    • A common use case for UDFs is extracting the first name from a full name column.
            UDFRegistration udf = spark.udf();
            udf.register("getFirstName", new UDF1<String, String>() {
                public String call(String name) throws Exception {
                    return name.split(" ")[0];
            }, DataTypes.StringType);
  10. Security:

    • Care must be taken to ensure that UDFs do not introduce security vulnerabilities. Avoid using UDFs on untrusted data sources.
  11. Debugging:

    • Debugging UDFs can be challenging. Proper testing and validation are crucial.
  12. Resources:

    • The official Apache Spark documentation provides detailed information on using UDFs in different languages.
    • Online communities and forums are valuable resources for discussing UDF-related issues and finding solutions.

In summary, User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in Apache Spark are a powerful tool for extending Spark's capabilities and performing custom data manipulations. When used wisely and with consideration for performance and security, UDFs can greatly enhance your data processing tasks in Spark.

Code Overview

package com.sparkTutorial.part2typedatasets;  
import org.apache.spark.sql.*;  
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes;  
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction;  
import java.util.Arrays;  
public class UDFExample {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        // Create a SparkSession  
  SparkSession sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()  
  // Create a DataFrame  
  Dataset<Row> tempDF = sparkSession.createDataFrame(Arrays.asList(  
                RowFactory.create("Rahul Sharma", 32, "Patna", 20000, "Store Manager"),  
  RowFactory.create("Joy Don", 30, "NY", 23455, "Developer"),  
  RowFactory.create("Steve Boy", 42, "Delhi", 294884, "Developer")  
        ), DataTypes.createStructType(Arrays.asList(  
                DataTypes.createStructField("name", DataTypes.StringType, true),  
  DataTypes.createStructField("age", DataTypes.IntegerType, true),  
  DataTypes.createStructField("city", DataTypes.StringType, true),  
  DataTypes.createStructField("salary", DataTypes.IntegerType, true),  
  DataTypes.createStructField("designation", DataTypes.StringType, true)  
  // Step 2: Create a UDF to get the first name  
  UserDefinedFunction getFirstNameUDF = functions.udf((String name) -> {  
            String[] temp = name.split("  ");  
 return temp[0];  
  }, DataTypes.StringType);  
  // Register the UDF  
  sparkSession.udf().register("getFirstName", getFirstNameUDF);  
  // Step 3: Create another UDF to check if the person is a manager  
  UserDefinedFunction isManagerUDF = functions.udf((String designation) -> {  
            if (designation.contains("Manager"))  
                return "Yes";  
 else return "No";  
  }, DataTypes.StringType);  
  // Register the UDF  
  sparkSession.udf().register("isManager", isManagerUDF);  
  // Step 4: Use the UDFs with the DataFrame  
  Dataset<Row> finalDF = tempDF.withColumn("first name", functions.callUDF("getFirstName", functions.col("name")))  
                .withColumn("is_manager", functions.callUDF("isManager", functions.col("designation")));;  

The code demonstrates how to perform the following tasks:

  1. Create a SparkSession: Initialize a Spark session to use Spark functionalities.

  2. Create a DataFrame: Create a DataFrame named tempDF with sample data representing individuals.

  3. Create UDFs: Define two UDFs for manipulating data within the DataFrame.

    • getFirstNameUDF: This UDF extracts the first name from a full name.
    • isManagerUDF: This UDF checks if a person's designation contains the word "Manager."
  4. Register UDFs: Register both UDFs to make them available for use in Spark SQL.

  5. Use UDFs with the DataFrame: Apply the UDFs to the DataFrame columns, creating new columns "first name" and "is_manager."

  6. Display the Result: Show the modified DataFrame with the new columns.

Code Walkthrough

Step 1: Create a SparkSession

SparkSession sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
  • A SparkSession is created with the name "UDFExample."
  • We specify "local[*]" as the master URL for running Spark locally.

Step 2: Create a DataFrame

Dataset<Row> tempDF = sparkSession.createDataFrame(Arrays.asList(
        RowFactory.create("Rahul Sharma", 32, "Patna", 20000, "Store Manager"),
        RowFactory.create("Joy Don", 30, "NY", 23455, "Developer"),
        RowFactory.create("Steve Boy", 42, "Delhi", 294884, "Developer")
), DataTypes.createStructType(Arrays.asList(
        DataTypes.createStructField("name", DataTypes.StringType, true),
        DataTypes.createStructField("age", DataTypes.IntegerType, true),
        DataTypes.createStructField("city", DataTypes.StringType, true),
        DataTypes.createStructField("salary", DataTypes.IntegerType, true),
        DataTypes.createStructField("designation", DataTypes.StringType, true)
  • We create a DataFrame tempDF with sample data. The data includes name, age, city, salary, and designation columns.
  • We also define the schema for the DataFrame using DataTypes.createStructType.

Step 3: Create UDFs

UserDefinedFunction getFirstNameUDF = functions.udf((String name) -> {
    String[] temp = name.split(" ");
    return temp[0];
}, DataTypes.StringType);

UserDefinedFunction isManagerUDF = functions.udf((String designation) -> {
    if (designation.contains("Manager"))
        return "Yes";
        return "No";
}, DataTypes.StringType);
  • We create two UDFs, getFirstNameUDF and isManagerUDF.
  • getFirstNameUDF extracts the first name from a full name by splitting the string.
  • isManagerUDF checks if the designation contains the word "Manager."

Step 4: Register UDFs

sparkSession.udf().register("getFirstName", getFirstNameUDF);
sparkSession.udf().register("isManager", isManagerUDF);
  • We register both UDFs with Spark, providing them with names "getFirstName" and "isManager" for future use.

Step 5: Use UDFs with the DataFrame

Dataset<Row> finalDF = tempDF.withColumn("first name", functions.callUDF("getFirstName", functions.col("name")))
        .withColumn("is_manager", functions.callUDF("isManager", functions.col("designation")));
  • We apply the UDFs to the DataFrame columns, creating two new columns: "first name" and "is_manager."

Step 6: Display the Result;
  • We display the modified DataFrame, which now includes the "first name" and "is_manager" columns.
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