Accumulators - datacouch-io/spark-java GitHub Wiki

Accumulators are a fundamental and powerful concept in Apache Spark, a distributed computing framework. They are used to accumulate values across multiple nodes in a parallel and fault-tolerant manner during distributed data processing tasks. Accumulators are primarily designed for aggregating values, such as counters or sums, across a distributed dataset without the need for complex synchronization mechanisms.

Here are some key points about Accumulators:

  1. Distributed Data Processing: Accumulators are particularly useful in distributed data processing systems like Apache Spark, where data is processed in parallel across multiple nodes or worker machines.

  2. Immutable and Initial Value: Accumulators are created with an initial value, which is typically an identity element for the intended operation (e.g., 0 for summation or 1 for counting). Once created, accumulators cannot be modified directly by worker nodes.

  3. Worker Node Operations: In Spark, worker nodes (executors) can only perform "add" operations on accumulators. They can't read the current value or perform other operations. This restriction ensures that accumulators are only used for aggregating values.

  4. Driver Node Control: The driver node, which controls the Spark application, can read the final value of an accumulator after the job is completed. This allows you to obtain aggregated results or statistics.

  5. Lazy Evaluation: Accumulators use a form of lazy evaluation, meaning that the actual accumulation of values happens only when an action is executed. Accumulators are "closed" for updates once an action is triggered, ensuring consistency.

  6. Fault Tolerance: Accumulators are designed to be fault-tolerant. In case a worker node fails during computation, Spark ensures that the updates to the accumulator on that node are not lost. When the task is re-executed on another node, it can continue the accumulation from where the failed node left off.

  7. Use Cases:

    • Counters: Accumulators are commonly used for counting occurrences of events, such as records meeting specific conditions.
    • Summation: You can accumulate sums of values, such as calculating the total revenue in a distributed sales dataset.
    • Aggregations: Accumulate aggregated statistics like mean, variance, or other custom metrics during distributed data processing.
  8. Custom Accumulators: While Spark provides built-in accumulators for common operations like counting and summation, you can create custom accumulators to perform more complex aggregations.

  9. Monitoring and Debugging: Accumulators are valuable tools for monitoring job progress and debugging Spark applications. You can check the values of accumulators to gain insights into the processing.

  10. Example: In the provided Java code example, accumulators are used to count the total number of records, the number of records missing a salary midpoint, and the number of records from Canada.

Accumulators are a powerful mechanism for aggregating data in distributed computing environments like Spark, allowing you to efficiently process and analyze large datasets while maintaining fault tolerance and ease of monitoring.

StackOverflow Survey Data Analysis with Accumulators

In this example, we will use Accumulators in Apache Spark to analyze StackOverflow annual salary survey data for developers worldwide. We will answer several questions while processing the data efficiently.

Problem Statement

We have a dataset from the Stack Overflow annual salary survey, which is available in a CSV format. The dataset contains information about developers worldwide. We are interested in the following questions:

  1. How many records are there in the survey results?
  2. How many records are missing the salary midpoint?
  3. How many records are from Canada?

We want to answer these questions while processing the data only once.

Java Class: StackOverFlowSurvey

import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator;
import scala.Option;

public class StackOverFlowSurvey {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("StackOverFlowSurvey").setMaster("local[1]");
        SparkContext sparkContext = new SparkContext(conf);
        JavaSparkContext javaSparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(sparkContext);
        final LongAccumulator total = new LongAccumulator();
        final LongAccumulator missingSalaryMidPoint = new LongAccumulator();
        total.register(sparkContext, Option.apply("total"), false);
        missingSalaryMidPoint.register(sparkContext, Option.apply("missing salary middle point"), false);
        JavaRDD<String> responseRDD = javaSparkContext.textFile("in/2016-stack-overflow-survey-responses.csv");
        JavaRDD<String> responseFromCanada = responseRDD.filter(response -> {
            String[] splits = response.split(Utils.COMMA_DELIMITER, -1);
            if (splits[14].isEmpty()) {
            return splits[2].equals("Canada");
        System.out.println("Count of responses from Canada: " + responseFromCanada.count());
        System.out.println("Total count of responses: " + total.value());
        System.out.println("Count of responses missing salary middle point: " + missingSalaryMidPoint.value());

Assignment: Adding Another Accumulator

As an assignment, let's add another accumulator to calculate the number of bytes processed. Try to modify the code provided above to include this accumulator and calculate its value as an exercise.

Feel free to experiment with Spark Accumulators to solve more complex data processing tasks efficiently.

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