wiki_proposed - darkopevec/kivy GitHub Wiki


You have just landed at the Kivy wiki, a collection of useful information for this awesome open source cross-platform Python framework!

Getting started



  • KivEnt: an Entity Based Game Engine for Kivy by Kovak


  • Plyer: a platform-independant api to use features commonly found on various platforms, notably mobile ones ()
  • Pyjnius: a Python module to access Java class as Python class, using JNI.
  • Pyobjus: a Python module to access Objective-C class as Python class, using Objective-C runtime reflection
  • Knappdor on github: For Facebook/Twitter on Android, native Android dialogs and Toast, billing examples and more

Getting help

At Kivy, we love code and coders, so we want to help you. Feel free to ask questions, make comments or join us for a chat. All we ask is that you be nice, and follow our "asking for help guidelines".



The information here is not exhaustive but provides a brief overview of the Kivy landscape. If you know of any other good resources that should be added, please let us know! Oh, and enjoy Kivy!