Setting up Kivy with various popular IDE's - darkopevec/kivy GitHub Wiki

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Setting up Kivy with PyCharm on Windows

As of 1.9.1, Kivy now installs into your normal Python interpreter, so installation on Windows is really straightforward.

  1. Install Kivy for Windows according to these instructions.
  2. Create/open your project in PyCharm

That's normally all that is required. If you have multiple Python interpreters, you may need to select the one that you installed Kivy into.

  1. File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter
  2. Click the settings symbol to the right of the project interpreter drop down and select the appropriate interpreter.

That's it. Enjoy Kivy.

Setting up Kivy with Pycharm on OSX

We recommend installing and using homebrew to install Kivy. This is done using the Terminal on your Mac. The instructions here should be typed or pasted into an open terminal command prompt.
Please note that some of these lines are long and should be copied and pasted in one go, even though the page here might show them word-wrapped.
For installation methods other than using brew and pip, please see the instructions on the appropriate websites.

  1. Install Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  1. Install Python 3

brew install python3

or Python 2

brew install python

  1. Install Kivy (Merging with instructions from: Note that if you are using Python 2, replace 'pip3' below with 'pip'.

brew install hg sdl sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf sdl2_mixer gstreamer
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install cython
USE_OSX_FRAMEWORKS=0 pip3 install kivy

PyCharm should pick up your default Python interpreter, which now (hopefully) has Kivy installed in it as a module.
You can check what modules you have installed in the settings: File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter

Instructions for setting up older version Pycharm and Kivy can be found here.

KV Lang Auto-completion and Highlighting

Xuton has kindly developed a file type extension that gives you full syntax highlighting and auto-completion for KV files.

To install:

Other IDE's

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